Well, This is Strange
Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen say down with this mother yesterday and they thumbed through campaign finance reports. Some people work crossword puzzles, some knit or sew, others look at campaign finance reports because that’s far more fun.
Well, come to find out the “US-Cuba Democracy Political Action Committee” (Isn’t that the one Lee Harvey Oswald founded?) gave a hunk o’ cash to Senator Ted Cruz to help retire his campaign debt.
That’s nice. I mean, they are based in Hialeah, Florida, which is kinda close to Texas, well, in global mapping terms.
The only problem with giving Ted Cruz money to retire his campaign debt is that he doesn’t have a campaign debt. (PDF file opens at the link.)
Schedule B of your report discloses one or more contributions to RAFAEL EDWARD TED CRUZ for the retirement of debts incurred by the 2012 Primary election campaign; however, it appears that the recipient committee(s) had insufficient debts to warrant such a contribution. Please note that a committee may only designate contributions to retire a candidate’s debts if those debts exist. (11 CFR §§ 110.1(b) and 110.2(b))
So they have to get a refund or else Fidel Castro will live forever just to piss them off. Okay, okay, I just made that up. Either they get a refund from Ted or they get fined. I imagine that getting a refund from Ted will be on the same difficulty level as teaching a mermaid to do the splits.
Thanks to You Know Who for the heads up.