Hey Louie, Put On Your Shuddup Shirt
Do you think it would work if we just paid him $500 cash American money for every day he keeps his mouth shut? Hell, that would be a bargain.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) went after the Obama administration’s handling of the Boston Marathon bombing investigation in a radio interview Thursday — and along the way he claimed that Muslim Brotherhood members are in the administration and influencing its decisions.
So do you figure these Muslim Brotherhood people are acting like Hispanics?
“…this administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that have influence that they just are making wrong decisions for America.”
We want names and numbers, Louie. Go visit Senator Ted Cruz. If he can count communists at Harvard, surely you can count Muslim Brotherhood members in the administration.
Thanks to Sherry for the heads up.
Louie is dumber than a bag of hammers and to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
And he just keeps talking…
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) suggested on Friday that the was FBI unable to ask deceased Boston marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev about Islam during its 2011 interview with him due to President Obama’s “political correctness,” thus allowing the bombing to take place.
2Yes, it’s so logical. If you are the President of the United States, probably the most powerful man on the planet, it would make perfect sense in the mind of Louie Gohment to say to yourself, “how can I undermine my position here on top of the heap? Yes, I’ll bring in some people from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, where they don’t even have their own situation figured out yet, and give them jobs in my administration, with visa waivers and all the other stuff that goes with hiring foreign workers.”
3Because if you do a Google search to see if there are any Muslim Brotherhood members in America, almost all of the links include the name Louie Gohmert. Wait… does that mean… Louie Gohmert is personally connected to the Muslim Brotherhood in America?
Gomer–I mean Gohmert is a Muslim name? I didn’t know..
4It’s so hard to keep up!
For the amount of crap that comes out of it, Louie’s behind should be the 8th Wonder of the World.
5Wait, what? Louie can *count*?!
6Lorraine: Outstanding observation!
7Honestly, if it’s not communists, it’s Muslim Brothers. Let’s face it Gohmert’s obsessed with conspiracies, but most likely it’s the KKK.
Relax, Louie, they’re your brothers.
Interesting to see the reaction at this website:
So, for Louie anyway, Muslim Brotherhood is the new “Red Scare”?
9You do realize that Gohmert and Cruz both believe that President Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. And a Friend of Hamas.
10Your turn again for the idiots!!! We got a few days off from them here in Florida..
11Would one of you PLEASE hide all the tinfoil in Texas, and then take Louie’s tinfoil away and hide it too? Don’t forget Cruz while you are about it..don’t want to leave him out. I am about ready to turn in my Texas naturalization…from Folk Fest..I became a naturalized Texan in 81…
Maybe we should make matching T shirts for Gohmert and Cruz. What do you think they should say?
12Marge, how about I honk for stupidity!
13As to that 500 dollars?
14You don’t reward stupid. Just vote the jerk out of office.
Gohmert and Cruz ……fresh fertilizer daily….be cause we are full of it….. That would fit nicely on a T-shirt
15The obvious is so out there in plain sight for everyone to see: The Muslim Brotherhood is actually the entire GOP and they can’t see it because it is them!
As the cartoon Pogo once said: I have found the enemy and they is us!!
That may be a bit paraphrased, but you get the gist of it!! It is frightening to even try to make sense of what these idiot’s brains try to tell them in the dead of night … in their dreams … their subconsciences must be one long nightmare that they attempt to forcefeed during the light of day!
16When I moved here to Texas two years ago, I knew pretty much what I would be facing. To quote SuperChicken, “You knew the job was dangerous when you took it.” Having dealt with Louisiana politics for many years, I realized that congenial stupidity was at epidemic levels among politicians, but gawd almighty! Texas politicians seem to be the Typhoid Mary’s of the stupid, spreading it far and wide for all to ‘enjoy’.
And the real sad part is that the only way to fight the disease is through thinking and intelligence, neither of which are in large supply particularly within the GOP around here.
17T shirt slogan:
Lest we forget…. Gohmert was a pRick Perry judicial appointment in the beginning of this reign of stupidity. Can you imagine what it would be like to have him presiding over your court case? OMG.
19TalG: Did you mean to say congenital stupidity? That would be my read.
20Maryelle – I was referring to the fact that the politicians have the same behavior and nature… hence the congenial. Although yours is also correct… as in being a birth defect that can’t be corrected. *gryn*
21As a native Texan, these morons in the Volunteer State lege are standing toe-to-toe with the Texians~just like at the Alamo, probably will have the same result – if we are lucky~decimation of the Fools~
22Loopy Louie is beating out Steve Stockman and Cruz in the race to show just how dumb conservanazis can be.
23Wow! Like I said before…I thought WE were stoopid here in Gawgia but, gosh! ya’ll DO need to fix up a special T shirt. I checked that link… GomerT? really has a BIG mouth!