Thank You, North Carolina, For Weighing In On the Republican Dope Scale

April 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

North Carolina State Senator Tommy Tucker (the name alone ought to give you pause before you read more) was on a roll last week.

The very white and the very male Tommy Tucker was singing for his supper last week and the main course turned out to be a steaming bowl of government secrecy. That’s how you know that Republicans are involved – secrecy.

State Governments have to publish notifications in newspapers of certain meetings where screwing the public is being discussed.  That way we can know who the screwers are.  Tommy Tucker is one of them.

Tommy Tucker wants to take the public notices out of newspapers and print them only on governmental websites.  You know, under the control of the very people to want to screw us. Tommy Tucker says it’ll save us money.  Yeah, well, so would not paying Tommy Tucker a salary.

So, a newspaper publisher came to speak against the bill.  Because the publisher was using unfair tactics like logic and facts, Tommy Tucker needed a response.  He had a great one.

“I am the senator. You are the citizen. You need to be quiet.”

Well, there ya go.  King George the Third must be prancing all over heaven, screaming, “I was right!  I was right!”

Thanks to Norma for the heads up.

Read more here:

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