Teddy and the Cruzers
So, if this whole senatoring thing doesn’t work out for Ted Cruz, there’s always a chance he could make it as a comedian. He had Chuck Schumer laughing out loud yesterday on the Senate floor.
Behaving like an eighth grade debater who hadn’t done his research, Cruz got trapped in an indefensible position on the Senate floor during the shameful gun debate.
Cruz tried to defend his statement that the bill “might,” by gawd, lead to a national registry. I think it’s far more likely that Ted Cruz being in the senate might lead to forty miles of rough road, me being elected the Queen of Ohio, and something better than sliced bread.
Look, we need to order a case of goofy because Ted Cruz seems intent on waddling in some every day.
Please, folks, we have to write to every newspaper and TV station, call in to talk radio, whatever it takes to get these a–h—- out of office and renew our state’s good name.
1This guy is going to make Louie Gohmert jealous.
2until he takes a dna test and proves he was born of an american mother, i consider him to be just another illegal from north of the border.
3Conspiracy Cruz is nothing, if not consistent. Of course, the bill was an attempt by the liberals to push him down that “slippery slope” towards a national gun registry, even if it said in BLACK AND WHITE that anyone attempting to do so would be charged with a felony. Remember, Cruz doesn’t deal in facts, just fears.
Let’s have a lottery, the winner of which gets to push Cruz down a real
4slippery slope into a huge pile of horse s**t. Then we could all laugh at him.
This is one butt-ugly man, in oh, so many ways.
5MCPO Ret says:
> . . . and renew our state’s good name.
Far, far too late for that, friend. We had a good run.
6I think maryelle is onto something. If we can get Louie into a crazzzy-off with Ted, we could entertain the entire country.
Let’s tell Louie that Ted secretly ok’d a FEMA camp in Texas. Then tell Ted that Louie is working with ACORN to secretly build a training camp for community activists in his district. Then tell BOTH of them that the other is linked to the New Black Panther Party, who are storing the secret arms stash, until the facilities are completed and Teh Secret Gay Agenda21 Plan gets the final go ahead from Generallissmo Francisco Franco.
Who is still dead.
7Did Texas eliminate insane asylums?
8I’ve emailed Carnival Cruz so many times complaining, protesting, and voicing opposition to his stand on various issues since he “took office”, that at this point, I am concerned that the Gestapo will show up at my door and take me away. He’s crazy. He’s dangerous. And he is capable of doing ANYTHING. God. How did we elect some ahole like this? Republicans out-voted us by enormous numbers, actually. Paul Sadler was the best candidate, but he had NO money, no support nationally or statewide to run a competitive campaign. Are we going to do the same thing in 2014 against Perry and Awipe Cornyn? Let’s hope not.
9@Larry: They did close the asylums – and sent the inmates to Austin and/or DC.
10According to OpenSecrets.org, during the 2012 campaign Cruz was paid $69,000 by the gun industry. The only other candidate who received more was Romney with 1.1 million. Of the Top20 candidates who received blood money from the gun folks , all were teapubs. Of the Senators who voted on Wednesday Ted ranks 3rd and received an additional $24,929 from GunPACS. On the other hand, Cornyn received $500 during 2012 from gun rights operatives, but he has subsequently received $15,950 from Gun rights PACS. I guess he’s been in DC so long he’s got enough money, and Teddy boy is making hay while the sun shines.
11I want a bunch of “NRA Pavement Princess” stickers to slap on Cornyn’s campaign signs. Also could be applied to John Carter (R-Mars) signs.
12Patience, folks. Cruz is so full of himself that he’s terminally blind to the total lack of respect he is earning from fellow senators, particularly those in his own party. Another year and he’ll have been sidelined as one lonely critter – devoid of the respect of his peers – sitting on a far-off hill and left to bay at the moon. The U.S. Senate’s history is littered with the carcasses of the wannabes, coulda-beens and has-beens. Join the club, Teddy.
13Everyday there’s at least one of them saying or doing something which should embarrass Texans. Who will it be tomorrow? Louie? Steve? Ted? All three? (Wouldn’t that be fun for all!)
14What is it with butt-ugly and conservatives in TX? Is that how ya mark ’em in Texas?? That’s one idea that should spread to all the other forty-nine…. oh wait, there’s the KY turtle, and the Ohio crybaby..FL has Rubio drymouth… c’mon people, help me out here…
15An insightful column in the Friday WaPo:
16Ummmm, here in Minnesota, we’ve got crazy eyes Bachmann.
17Ooops forgot. My previous post was in response to aj’s request for teapub identifying “marks”.