Well Bring a Damn Sword, McCain

April 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John McCain is often legitimately confused about stuff but I think he’s faking it here.

There are 13 Republican senators pledging to filibuster the new gun legislation.

“I don’t understand it,” McCain said on CBS’ Face the Nation.” “The purpose of the United States Senate is to debate and to vote and to let the people know where to stand.”

Oh, this ain’t no sudden burst of damned if I know.  I’m telling ya – él entiende bueno.

McCain knows that when 92% of the American public support this legislation but Republicans can’t hack off their NRA overlords, there will not be a vote.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well Bring a Damn Sword, McCain”

  1. Oh McLoser, “Get off my lawn and my teevee machine”~

  2. Umptydump says:

    I saw the same broadcast this morning and have a completely different take on it.

    Everybody knows that McCain is pretty mercurial. For most of this discussion, however, he paired off with Chuck Schumer (D-NY), where they talked about how they and other members of the “Gang of Eight” have been working on compromises to immigration legislation. McCain’s reference to filibuster was NOT about gun legislation. It was a shot across the bow in front the likes of Cornyn and Cruz and Rand Paul who have no interest in an immigration solution of any kind. McCain has had it up to the gills with the grandstanding pipsqueak senators in his own party who obstruct solutions merely for the sake of obstructionism.


    McCain’s remarks – in context – do not appear in this link but they will be available when CBS puts out the transcript of the program.

    The publicity machine is cranking up to push legislative compromise. House members Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL-4) and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL-25) appeared together today on CNN’s State of the Union show to promote a compromise approach in that chamber.

  3. maryelle says:

    I’ll never forget the sight of McCain at one of his campaign speeches taking a question from a frightened elderly lady who had believed all the Republican rhetoric about Barack HUSSEIN Obama and thought he was a terrorist. McCain had to, on camera, refute all the vicious Republican propaganda to reassure her that Obama was a “decent man”. All the lies and hate came home to roost in that one telling moment.

    There’s going to be a day of reckoning for the Repugs and Democrats who parrot the NRA line. It may not be soon, but it’s coming. If we have to take to the streets, it’s coming.

  4. A filibuster is when a senator takes the floor, and talks while no one else is allowed to speak. It’s the adult version of what children do when they stick their fingers in their ears, and hum loudly and babble nonsensically.
    What we need in the capitol is a reverse filibuster. If senators didn’t vote on a bill which has been introduced in a specified period of time, they would get gagged, sat down, and made to listen to a reading of that bill, line by line. They could have guest readers, Garrison Keillor for instance. Or Bobcat Goldthwait. I would pay $5 to watch CSPAN for that.

  5. How, in a democracy, can 13 idiots hold up a vote on something a majority of the citizens want? There are so many things wrong with the way the Senate and House operate it is enough to make anyone crazy and Mouthy McCain reached that stage some time ago. I hope those 13 sorry senators shoot themselves in the foot or head (either literally or figuratively) soon and take McCain with them.

  6. Sam in Kyle says:

    It takes someone as loathsome as Cruz for people in Texas to wish Kay Bailey were in the Senate instead.

  7. I’m preparing my lecture on the 1920s and came across some college humor. I have to share!

    Whiskey kills more people than bullets.
    That’s because bullets don’t drink.
    –Washington and Lee Mink (the newspaper I assume)

    I know it’s silly, but it has to have some relevance to something!! It makes as much sense as Wayne LePierre.

  8. Just read on a blog that a Texas politician is encouraging all gun lovers who feel threatened by proposed restrictions, to move to the Lone Star State. Now mind you, it doesn’t have to be Texas, but having all these wingnuts in one place may not be a bad idea. It might even be fun entertainment.

  9. Umptydump says:

    As congressmen might say on the floor of the House, begging permission to revise and extend my earlier remarks. I’ve now read the Face the Nation transcript and, yes, McCain’s comment did relate to filibusters and gun control, not immigration. He and Schumer spent most of their time discussing immigration and I failed to catch where they shifted to gun control near the end. Nevertheless, McCain is opposed to a filibuster that would deny an open floor debate on gun control legislation.

    “I do not understand why United States senators want to block debate when the leader has said that we can have amendments,” McCain said.

    McCain is still putting his Republican pipsqueaks on notice. Their grandstanding has worn thin.

  10. Yeah, well, McCain has worn thin, too.

  11. Do those Teapublican senators who are planning to filibuster, Cruz, Paul, Lee, Rubio, Moran, Inholf, Burr, Ron Johnson, Enzi, Risch, Crapo, Coats and Pat Roberts realize that among the more than 400 entries on the Now Radical Association enemies list are the AARP, AMA, American Bar Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the United Methodist Church, the U.S. Catholic Conference, the United Church of Christ, the League of Women Voters, Sara Lee, Hallmark Cards, Levi Strauss & Co., Ben and Jerry’s, Debbie Reynolds, Tony Bennett and Mark Harmon? Wayne LaPierre is not far removed from Joe McCarthy and his enemies list. The senators need to know that the NRA is targeting the heart of America. Let them hear from us. You can find the list here: http://web.archive.org/web/20130120221338/http://www.nraila.org/Issues/FactSheets/Read.aspx?ID=15

  12. Carlo, hey, do those gun nuts realize that if they all moved to just one spot they would be easier to round up and wrap in sleeveless sweaters? Betcha not!

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He acts as if he has never met Sen. McConnell who single handed held up all campaign finance reform for over 12 years.

    “debate and to vote” I don’t think so. Hypocrisy and whining is what the Republicans do in the Senate.

  14. It’s up to the voter to reinforce the idea that They work for us. We have to take back the power of the electorate. Until we do, what the ‘people want’ is just rhetoric.

  15. It’s not about guns or immigration or any of the other issues before Congress. Or even faith. The ONLY things these idiots believe in or answer to is GREED. Money in their campaign coffers and maybe even some in their back pockets.

    We have the worst government that money can buy.

  16. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    60 Minutes last night had a long story on the parents/spouses of the victims of Sandy Hook. They are heading to DC today. God speed, and take those a-holes down!

    Their story was compelling, the folks they interviewed were well spoken. Wasn’t a dry eye in the house, nor at my house.

  17. June,

    Because sometimes, basic human rights should never be decided by votes.
