It’s The End Of The World As We Know It

April 01, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know that everybody’s gonna think this is an April Fool’s joke.  It is not.  This is a Ted Cruz is a Joke.

Listen up:  if we get expansion of medicaid under Obamacare in Texas, violent prisoners will get out of jail and kill you. That day.

Ted Cruz

So if you think it’s important for the state to continue spending on public education, you should be glad that the state is not signing on to Medicaid expansion. If you want state funds to provide for our prisons and law enforcement to incarcerate violent criminals and keep them off the streets you should be glad we’re not signing up for this Medicaid expansion ….

There are 1.5 million Texans without health insurance but Ted Cruz thinks the 10% that the state will pay to help those people get healthcare will cause us to have to open the prison doors and throw our children and grandmothers at the marauding herds to protect our lives the sky is falling the sky is falling.

Study after study has shown the Obamacare will provide “substantial economic stimulus” in Texas.

How’s that for merchant of hate and fear?

Y’all, I am being totally serious.  This man has mental health issues.  Some of them don’t even have names yet.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It”

  1. Sam in Kyle says:

    Great article by Emily Ramshaw in the Texas Tribune about our “fine” leaders and their plans to kill ACA in Texas. The reason they can get away with this kind of action is their support andthe fact they try to intimidate anyone who disagrees with them.. Look at one particular poster named “Matthew Cowan” to see what kind of person supports Perry, Dewhurst, and Cruz.

  2. Linksmasgrybas says:

    Y’all, I am being totally serious. This man has mental health issues. Some of them don’t even have names yet.

    Time to name one “Cruzitus” He certainly has it and it is worse than Tinnitus. I know I can live with the tin one, but I am not so sure about the Cruz one.

  3. gramiam says:

    Will some compassionate soul PLEASE quit hiding Cruz Control’s tinfoil hat and get it back to him immediately. Can’t you see the poor man is suffering?

  4. ks sunflower says:

    Is the Texas Democratic Party grooming a candidate to go up against Cruz? You need not say a name because that would only give the Cruz folks a target to strike.

    However, I can only hope that Texas wakes up and trhows this crazy bum out. He is certifiable crazy in the most dangerous way.

    Sarah Palin harmed Alaskan tourism by spouting nonsense. I think Cruz can harm Texas tourism by spewing hatred and fear. My family, for one, will not be visiting the state until both Perry and Cruz are out of office. If we can identiy any Texas-based business that supports Perry or Cruz we will not order anything online from them . I suspect it is getting to the tipping point where we are not the only ones beginning to feel this way.

    I love the warm, friendly people in Taxas but we have to draw the line somewhere due to the crazy-assed politicians who are harming our nation, not oonly Texas.

  5. ks sunflower: Thanks! We need more people to help put pressure on these idjits.

  6. publius bolonius says:

    All ooga-booga all the time, innit? The GOP modus operandi (look it up, goopers) is to find a large group of simple-minded, easily-duped folks and scare the hell out of them, then set yourself up as the big daddy/saviour. Easy peasy. And remember kids, the sky is always falling in Republicanland.

  7. I made regular contributions to Elizabeth Warren’s campaign last year, although I don’t live in Massachusetts. I hope to do the same if Texas fields a great candidate to run against Carnival Cruz. I’m sure I am not the only one with that idea.

  8. @publius bolonius, someone else said it first:

    Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to do the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and for exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
    —- Hermann Goering, Nuremberg Trial, 1946

    (It still counts, because I didn’t mention Hitler.)

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    This isn’t even circular thinking. This guy is worse than I thought, and that takes some doing.

  10. I invite y’all to find Cruz in this “Despeepable Congress” Diorama, a finalist in WashPost’s annual Peeps Show VII….

  11. Now if you can figure out which Congresspeep is Peep Cruz, you may just win a basket full of yummy peeps. Good luck!

  12. No talent.

  13. maryelle says:

    Ah, Cruz in the style of Bachmann, of whom it has been said…”the fact-checkers who check her speeches should file for workman’s comp…”
    How did this guy get into Harvard, let alone get a law degree?

    Scary thought, though, recent news of law enforcement slayings attributed to the Texas Aryan skinheads, These guys are considered one of the most violent groups in America. No wonder it’s hard to get Democratic candidates down there.

  14. No one has brought up the point of people resorting to crime to try to pay their medical bills because ADA is unavailable in Texas. How are we going to fund the prisons needed for that?

    Which reminds me, medical care is funded in prison, even if it is not good care. (I knew the Texas Ranger responsible for taking Henry Lee Lucas to his dental appointments. Scary dude. He cost us tens of thousands of dollars in medical care just in the first decade in prison.) We think the prison system is crowded now, what if folks start gaming the system to get in to get medical help?

  15. It’s a good Japan has that Communist / Socialist health care system because it allows people here to go on crime sprees. Wait, that doesn’t happen.

  16. UmptyDump says:

    Let’s remember that this is not really about Cruz. It’s about all the gullible people out there whom Cruz knows he can manipulate. He has made a cynical calculation that he can win more than he loses by peddling fear. Not much difference in communication style between Cruz and Kim Jong-un in North Korea – only the message and the audience.

  17. Rudy Gonzales says:

    Failure to not act is true failure! Action is taken by those intent on doing good! Texans need to roar in 2014, 2016 and 2018 and take Texas blue for the sake of everyone here! How much more of this along with taking money given to UTMB and other facilities providing care to the indigent. When will Texans learn that TEA-Republicans will screw every and any body they want to reward the top echelon and throw the poor, sickly and under privileged under the bridge. Perry, Dewhurst, Cruz and every TEA-type do not care about the disadvantaged what-so-ever. They steal from the poor and reward the rich. Wake up Texas! The 2014 Mid-term is a-coming! Get registered and V.O.T.E.(Vote Out The Encumberances) See: ( )

  18. Ellen Childress says:

    For the first time in my voting life ( I am 70 years old ) I am hoping to vote for a republican for governor of Texas . . . . Tom Pauken. The Texas democratic party has not offered one person, not ONE, that I think stands a chance of beating Perry in the upcoming election. We have got to have some strong help here before Perry and Cruz sell this state to every gun totin’, hip shootin’, woman hatin’, law breakin’, money worshipin’ son ( or daughter ) of the KKK they can find in every state in the union. We don’t need the kind of people they attract. My mother’s favorite saying was that “birds of a feather flock together”, and these birds are coming home to roost for sure.

  19. Cruz has certainly earned his nickname. He reminds me so much of Joseph McCarthy. Of course, McCarthy was a heroin addict. That was the fuel for his irrational behavior. You have to wonder why this guy who is supposed to be brilliant is acting so loco. Me hace pensar.

  20. Uncle Dave says:

    Ellen, You can vote in the Republican primary for Pauken, or anyone else on the ballot, and still pull the straight Democratic lever in November. What you cannot do is vote in one party’s primary and then vote in the other party’s runoff or attend the other party’s conventions. Republicans in Texas routinely voted in the Democratic primary up until the mid-seventies and then voted for Republican candidates in November, bleeping cockroaches! As a matter of fact, I know a man who chaired the Democratic party in his county for many years and never, not even once, voted for a Democratic candidate for president, The Dallas Morning Snooze once ran an editorial encouraging Republicans to vote in the Democratic primary as a means to controlling both parties. So go ahead; if there are no contested Democratic races, in your voting precinct, that compel you to vote with Democrats, cross over, and cockroach the Republicans.
