Meanwhile, at The Supreme Court

March 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Silly me, I thought we resolved this equal rights thing a long time ago, but the right wing keeps finding new people to blame for their own plight in life.

First it was those crazy women, then it was black people, now it’s gay people and, trust me on this, you’re next.

Not everyone in the rightwing is a terrible homophobe, some of them are pretty good at it.  They believe that if you marry someone of your own gender, it magically bothers my hetero marriage. You know, like if someone in Dallas eats a doughnut, it ruins my diet.

So, while most of the people in the anti-equality demonstrations at the Supreme Court today are the dumbest people west of anywhere east, some of them aren’t dumb.  They are just mean.  They are not happy unless they are fighting somebody.

Sweet Jesus said nothing about homosexuals.  He did say a lot about loving each other and about not judging people.

This Beauty Salon supports the rights of all Americans and, especially today, the rights of our LGBT brothers and sisters.

We ask you to join us in being left on politics and right on the issues.

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0 Comments to “Meanwhile, at The Supreme Court”

  1. I am pleased to join the Beauty Shop Patrol for Equal Rights for Everyone~there is a protest in front of the Tennessee capitol today on this very subject~

  2. Hey I live in Tennessee…….you cannot make these fools embrace ANYTHING…unless it’s stupid! And of course, JEEBUS said somethin about it….

  3. publius bolonius says:

    Count me in.

  4. Beth Francis says:

    Sign me up JJ

  5. I’m in.

  6. I may be straight but I am most definitely not narrow! You have hit the nail on the head, this is a Civil Rights issue, just as it was for women, people of color and Native Americans. The tide is turning, young people (under the age of 30), don’t understand what all the fuss is about. As more and more courageous LGBT people come out of the closet it is becoming harder and harder for people to hate their friends and relatives, not to mention their favorite entertainers and sports figures. Let’s just hope the Chief Justice listens to his cousin and comes down on the right side of history! His family will be in the audience watching!

  7. As the parent of a gay child, I’ve been here for a long while.

    Love the flag.

  8. David Hardwick says:

    As she does so often, Juanita Jean nails it. God bless us, every one, including “our LGBT brothers and sisters.”

  9. Count me in!!

  10. No offense Juanita, but I have always been in this fight. Just saying.

  11. Lorraine in Spring says:

    God created the human race. Humans created racism and bigotry.

    Like everyone else here at TWMDBS, I’m sticking with God’s original plan – equality for all His children.

  12. Kay Carrasco says:

    Wearing my favorite beaded bracelet today: ALLY spelled out in the pride rainbow colors. I wear it often, in fact, but today it just feels extra-right!

  13. I’m certainly in.

  14. I’m straight but not narrow, as well! God loves all of us and created all of us, no matter what our race, religion or gender!

  15. Love this image! Thank you….

    Chinese proverb says “where there are no words, there is no understanding, but where there is understanding, no words are necessary”..
    This image has gone from my head to my heart in record time!

  16. I’m there. Seeing discrimination against gays and lesbians ensconced as “religious freedom” is quite sickening. Because not only is it bad enough on the face of it, but what is next? Hating and hurting Jews? Burning witches? If they are allowed to cut one group from the herd of humanity….they won’t stop until they have forcibly ‘homogenized’ the world.

  17. We did not choose to be born gay or straight, white or black, tall or short, but we can choose to acknowledge and accept each other as we are.
    This IS a Civil Rights issue and it galls me to hear people talk about “putting it on the ballot” as if any of us has the right to deny anyone else their rights to “…life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
    We’re all in this together, so let’s make life good for everyone.

    Right On, J.J.!

  18. It will be interesting to see how the SCOTUS rules on this, and the other case they are hearing. If things are “thrown back to the state”, and some states rule for and others against, I’m not sure how you could reconcile a couple getting married in one state and moving to another where their rights wouldn’t be recognized. It seems to me that the only way to solve this is to make it equal for everyone, everywhere.

  19. Cindy D. says:

    Hope you don’t mind if I “borrow” the flag and the quote: left on politics and right on the issues” for my Facebook page. These are great.

  20. Love the donut comment, JJ, and will steal it.

    It’s a 14th Amendment issue– citizens are not to be denied equal rights under the law. No exceptions if your church happens to consider some people icky for being the wrong color or loving the wrong person. Equal rights.

    Now we’ll see if five of the Supremes have read the 14th Amendment.

  21. TexasEllen says:

    God is love and thankfully loves all of us. And we are equal before both God and the Law. Hope the Supremes get it right.

    I am stealing the donut metaphor.

  22. Corinne Sabo says:

    Do join us.

  23. Thanks, JJ and everyone else, for supporting us gays in this crucial time!! Texas WILL turn Blue yet again!!!

  24. Totally in support!

  25. If memory serves, (alas it doesn’t always), the last time they left a Civil Rights issue up to the states it was Plessy v Ferguson – that didn’t turn out so well for anyone!

    I take heart in the fact that Kennedy looked at the Prop 8 guy and suggested that he needed to answer Sotomeyers question.

    I also take heart in the fact that Roberts seems to have recognized that he might want to start thinking about his legacy. No one wants to be lumped in with Henry Bilings Brown!

  26. VintageMomma says:

    Girl, YES!

  27. MaLuisaR says:

    Luv yew! Great post and count me in! I want my daughter to have the same rights as everyone else!

  28. I’ve never figured out what ANYONE else’s marriage has to do with mine. You bet I’m standing with JJ and the rest of the readers — always have, always will. “And liberty and justice for all.”

  29. Aggieland liz says:

    Happy to report that my (OUR including my Mike!) most successful effort in this fight was to raise two kidlets into productive voting citizenship who vocally defend on a regular basis all the things we are talking about here! Fights on the school bus, denouncing h-phobia (especially the “God-centered” kind!) and VOTING! There is nothing like a successful project! So that’s four of us in on this deal!

  30. Litlhorn says:

    “I am fearfully and Wonderfully Made”…. Thank you all for the support – as a Gay 50+ male who has been with the same person for 30 years, this is a really big deal, and yet it has taken me years to be able to quote the above scripture and believe it. The realization that there is an actual possibility that the Coming generation of LGBT folks won’t have to live with these scars of always being on the outside, even when you’re inside, where each day of a relationship is the last and growing old alone is a given, is a dream I never thought I woud see realized in my lifetime.
    As for CA. to me the real issues is that democratically elected officials Granted Rights to a minority, and then the Majority was allowed to remove those rights by popular vote. This referendum is a scary thing…. with all the outside money that came in to the Prop 8 vote…if allowed to stand the precedent is truly frightening, and could be coming to a ballot near you…

  31. Aggieland liz says:

    Dear Litlhorn: the Constitution of the USA guarantees the right of free association. Also freedom of speech AND expression. Also the right to due process. Also the right to freely enter into contracts (Commerce Clause) and the right of the Federal Government to enforce contractual agreements across state lines. Also the right to choose your own religion or refrain from choosing one.

    In other words, the States have been DENYING guaranteed rights to a minority because the States (perversely) insist on defining “marriage” as a religious matter. In point of fact, the State grants a license which executes a binding contract between two consenting adults of legal age and enters it into the public record. This contract must be dissolved in a State Court in order for its dissolution to be entered into the public record. So how is this a religious matter if

    1) you need a license from the State, no church is required
    2) you are granted a divorce by the State and no church is involved (annulment is a separate matter, non-binding upon the State)?

    The Supreme Court has been dragging it’s feet for far too long now, notwithstanding their current shuffling, hemming and hawing, robe wringing, and asinine braying by Scalia. It’s ridiculously simple. How come I can argue this case? Geez!

  32. All in & thanks! Donut/diet comparison? Best. Thing. Ever.

  33. Lyntilla says:

    I hope you don’t mind, but this seems appropriate to post here. On April 6, if you are in Austin, you are invited to a reading of 8 the play. The play chronicles the historic trial in the federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8 (now at the supreme court). The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place at 7:00 pm on Saturday, April 6 at United Christian Church, 3500 W. Parmer Lane, Austin. Admission is free and admission tickets can be reserved at Eventbrite :

    Y’all come.
