Hell, It’s Colder than a Witch’s Boob in a Brass Bra in the Klondike in Right Now in Connecticut So Who Can Blame Her?
I’ve only been to Chuck E. Cheese one time and I needed a gun there, too. To shoot myself.
But, 30 year old Tawana Bourne saw things a little differently when somebody’s obviously deranged child pushed Tawana’s two year old off a ride. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Chuck E. Cheese, but children playing nicely in a spring meadow does not happen there. It’s a mosh pit of small people hyped up on bad food and noise headaches.
But, Tawana decided that bullying was bad and “brandished a .380 semiautomatic handgun and chambered a round” during a verbal altercation at the restaurant.
Nothing fights bullyism better than a .380 semiautomatic.
But, there’s a better part.
In a brief interview with the newspaper Tuesday, Bourne described herself as a “very good person” that is “very involved in the community.”
According to the Courant, Bourne had “rediscovered God, conquered a crack cocaine addiction and pursued her dream of working with children,” prior to the incident. She is the mother of two boys, and is the founder of a local non-profit organization that works with parents on crisis prevention and intervention.
Police said that Bourne had a state permit for the handgun, but that both the weapon and permit were seized in her arrest.
So Tawana has a legal handgun permit and works with local parents on crisis prevention.
Oh sweet nectar from the Irony Gods, how I do love thee.
Thanks to Carl for the heads up.