And This Kinda Explains Stuff About *Some* Men

February 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Girl Scouts welcome all girls, regardless of the gender preference.  Women are generally more understanding of these things.

Let’s just tell the damn truth:  if lesbianism were a choice, we’d all be lesbians.  That’s how I know that lesbians are born and not made.  I mean, who the hell wants to live with something that gets jock itch or thinks peeing outside is very cool?

Our Governor, Rick Perry, is so upset that the Boy Scouts are even considering excluding gay kids that he’s stomping his little feet.

He also disagreed that allowing members of all sexual preferences would make the Scouts more tolerant: “I think you get tolerance and diversity every day in Scouting.”

And, yes, we teach tolerance by saying, “Look, tolerate gay men all you want but fergodsake do not sit next to them or look at them.”

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again – any man that obsessed with the gays is hiding something.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And This Kinda Explains Stuff About *Some* Men”

  1. JJ, the more you point this out, the more I’m inclined to agree with you about Goodhair’s closet. How the heck does he think this advances the Rethugs’ cause–or even his own chances to be elected to anything?

  2. Perhaps a meeting can be set-up with the other well-known homophobic politico from Tennessee – Stacey Campfield is just hating being a “pinata” for people posting his asinine emails to them when they complain about his IDIOTIC ANTI-GAY bills before the Evangelibagger Lege~

  3. Aggieland liz says:

    IMO, pretty Ricky isn’t hiding very successfully from anyone but hisownself!!

  4. Evangelibagger….. what a descriptive word.

    And of course, as I watched the news clip last night, I kept thinking that Gov Goodhair looked like a deer in the headlights. Guess he needs to go have another “session” with Michelle Bachmann’s hubby, or perhaps visit the good Rev Ted Haggerty for some prayerful reflection.

  5. No One's Puppet says:

    Truth is Rick Perry always has tripped my gaydar.

  6. The BSA is taking comments and feedback. Visit their facebook or:

    Visit the Contact page on at, email:, or call 972-580-2000

    It takes a minute and would really make a difference.

  7. “Let’s just tell the damn truth: if lesbianism were a choice, we’d all be lesbians. That’s how I know that lesbians are born and not made. I mean, who the hell wants to live with something that gets jock itch or thinks peeing outside is very cool?”

    Still laughing. Thanks for making my day, JJ.

    big hug!

  8. Sam in Kyle says:

    There’s a half-page ad in USA Today urging people to call the scouts and urge them to keep their policy of intolerance and bigotry in place. The usual suspects sign it: Family Research Council, Southern Baptist Convention, and other assorted hate groups. Should scout troops be allowed to meet in public buildings if they have a written policy of discrimination?

  9. First, JJ I think you may want to edit “is so upset that the Boy Scouts are even considering excluding gay kids.” I think you mean either including or no longer excluding.

    Second, for a man so convinced on the power of prayer, he sure doesn’t practice it enough, instead he prefers to just dump his opinion on us like an old bull.

    And as an Eagle Scout, how is it possible he was a teen scout and thought sex education wasn’t a regular discussion? But I find the most offensive part is his belief that “Because gay activism is central to their lives.”

    (With tongue in cheek) see he’s tolerant, he does not stereotype people or make bad decisions on those stereotypes like popular culture does.

  10. scottybeamer says:

    As a gay man, I can tell you one thing for sure. There never seems to be a shortage of “married” men who hit on gay men. Of course, they aren’t gay, just curious……sure they are! Was never sure what they were curious about. Some people just protest way too much to be believed.

  11. I gave up tolerating those that tolerate jock itch at age 50, and found contentment.

  12. Terri Kaufman says:

    Iwas going to say I don’t understand why so many men think gay men will hit on them in any circumstance, but i do understand…that tends to be the way men operate. That may be a generality, but pretty true. I am not a lesbian, but after almost 65 years, I pretty much can’t stand men. I am married, worked with men most of my life, and they sure are a sorry bunch

  13. Braxton Braggart says:

    See, Rick Perry was an Eagle Scout and, um, and, em. . . .

    Yeah, we need to open up scouting some.

  14. VintageMomma says:

    Thank you, Anna, for the link to send kudos to the Scouts and thank you, Sam in Kyle, for the info about the nefarious ad in USA Today. The impact of bad news is easier to bear when one finds a voice against it, n’est-ce pas?

  15. “I mean, who the hell wants to live with something that gets jock itch or thinks peeing outside is very cool?”

    JJ, you’re referring to Guys. Some of us are lucky enough to be married to Men. Not that they aren’t Guys sometimes…. (There’s a photo of Obama brandishing a Star Wars lightsaber and Michelle rolling her eyes.)

  16. Speaking of the FLOTUS rolling her eyes at that inaugural dinner that went viral… obviously in response to something POTUS & the Speaker said that THEY, being GUYS, thought was funny. Given that look, you can figure she was agreeing with JJ.

  17. Starts early. My young granddaughters already have eye-rolling perfected, and well deserved from the stories they tell of typical boy/guy behavior at school. It’s truly a miracle the human species has been able to keep itself from extinction.

  18. Rick Perry isn’t much of an advertisement for the Scouts’ ability to implant “tolerance and diversity” into hard-headed, narrow-minded boys…just sayin’.

    The guy thing… I love my husband dearly, and there are other men I think are fine persons…but when they reach critical mass with their buds and yeah, go all guys-in-a-pack, then it’s the farting, the crotch-scratching, the nudge-and-winking, the boasting, and pretty soon there’s a big mess that they’re not about to clean up. (Some of them will eventually, if no woman comes along and does it first, but not until the beer’s caramelized in the bottom of the bottles with a few flies in it.)

    On the other hand, about the time a group of women try to pull rank on me, shame me, guilt me, and just generally chew me over with their desire to make me shape up into what they think a real woman/real feminist/real whatever should be…I’m ready to kick their teeth out, though to prevent legal consequences what I actually do is just mount my high horse and ride away, muttering to myself. Though if you locked me in a room for 24 hours with one of these, either she’d shut up or…it might get messy.

    Which makes me suspect that I have the same character faults as the TP folks–I want the world to be full of people like me, and it’s not.

    I like men–it’s why I married one and am still hooked up 40+ years later. I like women–otherwise I’d have to hate myself and that’s a losing proposition, and I have women friends that are like rocks you can cling to in a flash flood. Comes a crisis, there they are. But sometimes, you know, people of all genders are just so…themselves…that I need to go out in the 80 acres and kick rocks for awhile until I calm down. (On bad days I take an axe down to the dying creek woods and chop down a dead hackberry before it falls over. And no, boys, it has nothing to do with time of the month. I’m many years past that. It has to do with Rick Perry, and John Cornyn, and their ilk. When I think about Sarah Palin, I can’t touch the milk jug without curdling the milk.)
