Michele, What Naughty Little Things Have You Been Doing?

January 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Uh oh, in cases like this you gotta ask yourself (1) what dirty secrets are they trying to hide, and (2) do they know what the hell obstruction of justice means?

Michele is refusing to pay some of her Iowa campaign staff, even though she and her somewhat delicate husband are swimming in money.

Dr. Peter Waldron, Bachmann for President National Field Coordinator, explained it this way, “Recently Mr. Pollack demanded that each unpaid staff member sign a non-disclosure agreement that prohibits any discussion of any criminal, moral, and/or unethical behavior witnessed during Mrs. Bachmann’s campaign in Iowa. In fact, Mr. Pollack insists that each staffer not speak to law enforcement and/or lawyers without first speaking with Mrs. Bachmann’s attorneys.”

Good Lord, even Lindsay Lohan doesn’t demand that from her staff.

Well, come to find out Bachmann “the Urbandale, Iowa, police department is investigating the theft of confidential data from a staff member’s personal laptop computer and cover-up of the theft by her staff.”

Confidential data?  Really, now?  Maybe they don’t teach this at Oral Roberts University where Michele went to “law school” but demanding that someone not speak to the police during a criminal investigation is what we here in the real world call obstruction of  justice.  You know, what Republicans gleefully impeached Bill Clinton for doing.

And under the category of “Who Needs Lions When You Have Two Christians Ready to Eat Each Other?” comes this from Dr. Peter Waldron, Bachmann for President National Field Coordinator ….

“It is sobering to think that a Christian member of Congress would betray her testimony to the Lord and the public by withholding earned wages from deserving staff,” Dr. Waldron concluded.

Let’s stay tuned.  This might get funner.

Thanks to Rick and Ralph for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Michele, What Naughty Little Things Have You Been Doing?”

  1. I saw it at link below, where it mentions the aleged misuse of an email list and the “response” iin how Waldron’s just lying about what is owed any staffers.


    Honestly, I consider her an idget of the first degree. It does not surprise me at all that her “people” feel justified blackmailing compliance in this way. Sigh.

  2. This charge here is that Ms. Bachman’s campaign mishandled confidential unclassified information and is now seeking, at least with respect to these particular individuals, to preclude them from discussing this with the proper authorities. And this is whom the Republican party has just reappointed to the House Intelligence Committee where she has access to classified information! May God help us.

  3. Maybe a more learned person can correct me, but I believe that such an agreement in support of illegal activities would be unenforceable. They should just sign, take the money and squeal.

  4. @Montag,

    Eventhough I don’t think banning them from talking to the police would hold up in court…I doubt any of these folks want to deal with potential legal fees when the campaign sues them for breech of contract. And would the campaign sue? I would expect them to if it was me.

    However, at this point, these folks should be able to sue — and wouldn’t that be a great Judge Judy — because the services have been rendered but not paid per original contract and creating new conditions for receiving payment is unethical and, I believe, illegal.

  5. I have to say I’m not generally a fan of Michele Bachmann. But I do have to tip my hat to her for the intricacy with which she created this situation, and then left herself absolutely no way out. It’s the perfect lose-lose scenario.

  6. Aggieland liz says:

    Republicans seem to excel at painting themselves into corners and then hollering blue murder for someone to rescue them and later still complaining about the successful rescue effort.

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    Too bad it’s not legal to have people sign an “I won’t tell about your crimes” paper.

  8. ‘ “Recently Mr. Pollack demanded that each unpaid staff member sign a non-disclosure agreement that prohibits any discussion of any criminal, moral, and/or unethical behavior witnessed during Mrs. Bachmann’s campaign in Iowa.” ‘ Man, that’s rich! I can not help but wonder is MR. Bachmann has any of these “criminal, moral, and/or unethical” things in his “closet”… 😉

  9. I’m pretty sure that labor law requires you to pay people for the hours they’ve worked.
