The Only Way To Stop A Bad Guy With a Gun is a … Dead Guy With a Gun?
Okay, so this story goes like this.
Keith Ratliff, a 32 year old guy from Georgia is a big ole gun fan. He had a You Tube channel where he promoted high-powered guns and explosives. It’s called FPSRussia.
Ratliff, along with Kyle Lamar Myers, who appears in the popular online videos, operate the “FPSRussia” YouTube channel, which has 3.4 million subscribers. Videos posted on the channel have racked up more than a half-billion views. According to YouTube, FPSRussia is the ninth-most popular channel on the website.
Ratliff also operated a company out of Carnesville called FPS Industries. In video gamer jargon, FPS stands for first person shooter.
Best I can tell the YouTubes do nothing but celebrate anti-personal weapons.
Well, Keith – who may well have been the best armed guy in Georgia, which is saying’ something – was found dead last week. A gunshot wound to the back of his head. At his business. You know, where he keeps his weapons.
Back to the drawing board on the that whole argument, Wayne.
Thanks to Sue for the heads up.
Live by the sword…….
1HaHa. You said “Heads up”.
and I agree with TexasEllen
2Just saying….
I’m sure that’s going to increase gun sales; all those millions of subscribers will need to double their hoard so they can defend themselves (even more than before).
3I just have a hard time believing that some people think that more guns will mean less gun use. Seriously? I don’t think the government should know where every gun is though. We know what that leads to. We must not do away with the second amendment, but can certainly ban automatic clips with so many bullets. If you need to shoot something 30 times while hunting, maybe you shouldn’t be hunting. Obviously all his guns didn’t help him at all.
4I guess this means gun nuts need armed guards…
5Has the rumor started that it was the (take your pick) FBI/CIA/ATF/DHS?
6A perfect example of Darwin’s Law at work. LOL
7Tony: may want to add NRA. What better convoluted conspiracy generator than this to shift the focus into la-la land?
8They take care of their own.
9I just remembered: wasn’t there a legislator a couple of months ago, I think in Vermont, who wanted to charge non-gun owners a fee because they supposedly needed more police protection than gun owners? I think it’s safe to use this guy as an example of the fallacy of that logic.
10If the investigation finds he was shot by one of his own guns, it would take gun ownership from self-defense to self-destruction.
11So…just read last night about some proposed law in Utah (or amendment or such) about requiring every household to have a gun. And then the NRA dude statement referenced in this post. And I’ve just been thinking a bit. So basically what they’re saying is that we all need to strap on our six-shooters (slung low on our hips) and get really good at walking around bow-legged and such…and practice getting itchy trigger fingers…and maybe we should all get those little gold stars on our chest–you know..the ones that show we’ve been dep-u-tized.
12So we can take offense to all the bad guys and with our itchy, twitchy fingers, twirl out those six-shooters and take ’em out.
Question I have is this: To get that bow-legged thing going, we’ll need horses right? Then we really should go back to dirt streets so that all the horse apples from the horses’ rear ends can just sort of be all mushed into the dirt and not cause icky build up in the street, right? And so then we’ll probably need hitching posts for those horses out front, right? So will the women need to be dressed in feathers and boas and dresses slit down to there and up to here with rouge-y cheeks and garters?
I mean, if we’re all going to be carrying our six-shooters and such, we may as well really do it up good.
Well, as a gun lover presumably he died happy.
13Hell in a handbasket.
14The news of this man’s killing was not plastered on the google news page. Nor did it show up on the local news page. i had to go to some effort to find it and read it.
15But i don’t think there’s anyone trying to manipulate the news . . . no, no; this is just a random event.
It did make the news here eventually – after I read Miss Juanita’s post. Really, this is just pathetic.
16The other day, here in the Columbus area, a couple was awakened by the sound of breaking glass. Within seconds the husand had been beaten bloody, and the burglars escaped with their car, their cell phones and….
…wait for it….
… you know what’s coming….
… oh yeah, that’s right….
17Dear Georgia Gun Nuts: The Russkies aren’t coming for you with guns; they’d just drop a nuke on Atlanta, if they like, you know, existed anymore. Good luck in hitting that nuke with your Uzi.
And when Obama’s liberal gay Muslim Kenyan liberty-hating task force comes for you, they’re just gonna drop a drone strike on your butt while you’re watching Hannity. Check with the one of those veterans you claim to honor about your ability to fight back against one of those.
18I want photos of every person who has died of a gun death that day to be rolled down the screen of each network and cable news station like they used to roll the names of the dead in Vietnam. We should do this everyday.
I remember sitting in the living room as a child watching the names of the Vietnam War dead roll by. I was anti- war,guns and violence by the time I was eight years old.
Suppose Mr. Ratliff was too young to experience this and sadly he will never get the chance to experience anything else again.
19Talking about any measure of gun control really scares the bejeezus out of gun nuts. It’s like they’re afraid they’re afraid they are going to lose said appendages. For a fun time just post something advocating gun control on the Texas Tribune or other such site. I did yesterday about the secessionist rally and had a ball sitting back and watching the local nut jobs foam at the mouth. Breaks the monotony of the day when I get tired of studying.
20That lawmaker who proposed people who weren’t armed in Vermont pay a fee Bill never got off the ground. Of course this didn’t stop the idiot in Utah from thinking it was a dandy idea.
21We are all armed in the winter however, anybody who doesn’t carry chapstick or better yet Bag Balm for their chapped lips here is a fool.
I wonder if those guys will finally ask themselves how they can protect themselves from a bullet in the back of the head? What is their prescription for that? Or is that just the price we all have to pay for the Second Amendment ‘freedom’.
22Too bad the guy didn’t have an armed teacher there to guard against that sort of thing…
23I heard recently on the tee vee screen that if you own a gun, you’re about 5 times more likely to die by a gun than those who do not have guns. Now I have not found any reliable studies on that; but if true, I wish to nominate Mr. Ratcliff as the “poster boy” for that study. May he rest in peace; he certainly didn’t look for it in his short life.
24Gun ownership New Rule: Any American wishing to own anything more than one handgun for home protection must pass a simple test: They must spend one month in Somalia with only their Bushmaster. If they survive, they earn the handgun permit when they get home.
25Wow, Lorraine you win the DeChipster award for today. Great Comment!
27In Boston there is a version of your proposal. The owners of a building complex fronting on the Mass Turnpike as it comes into the city use the length of the complex–nearly a city block–to post numbers of gun deaths, notes on background check loopholes (gun shows, for example) and similar information. The site is changed regularly. I hope it changes at least of few minds.
I like how you think, angela.
28The gun nuts are the same ones who will object screeching like hyped up chimpanzees if you run the pictures of the bullet riddled bodies of the Newtown kiddies onthe teevee. I come from the Great North which is a huge hunting area. In my youth I never knew anyone who owned a rifle to get foam at the mouth like these gun nuts do cuz thats just who they are and how they handle anxiety: bankrupt theirselves buying more guns and ammo. I think this is where the guvmint should be dropping Xanax on such a population like they used to drop food and such to starving people. Damn! The gun nuts are a deep fried freakin’ shame.
29Maybe we can get Charlton Heston to protect the school close to my house.
30Molly Ivins used to say that folks with concealed carry permits also ought to be required to wear a beanie with a propeller. Tin model optional.
31How is it there’s an award in my name and I haven’t ever won it? Lolol
32Maybe we all should chip in to build a wall listing everyone in this country who dies from gun fire. Of course, we would need to expand it every year to hold an additional 30,000 names.