Texas State Troopers Declare War on Christmas

December 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As if the Texas Department of Public Safety haven’t has enough bad publicity lately, what with roadside strip searches, yesterday they arrested Santa Claus in front of the State Capitol with children watching.

Santa was committing the heinous crime of giving chalk to children to write their wishes for the holidays on the sidewalk in front of the capitol.  The children wrote horrible words like Peace, Love, Community, Harmony, and there were absolutely no dirty words because, dammit, Santa was watching.  However, these words are known to be against the peace and dignity of the State of Texas.

Along come the Troopers and cuff an obviously dangerous, and completely distraught, Santa in full view of children and their parents.  Several people taped the event, but those that did got their picture taken by the Troopers.  I suspect that since Troopers have no honor left, intimidation and guns is all they have.

The Troopers told the crowd that Santa was being arrested for chalking the sidewalk.  When the crowd explained that Santa didn’t chalk- the children did, they decided to arrest him for resisting arrest.  There’s a video of that, too.

They end up with 6 Troopers, 2 patrol cars, and two Troopers in full riot gear to take Santa to the pokey.

As one man says at the end, “This is messed up, Dude.”

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0 Comments to “Texas State Troopers Declare War on Christmas”

  1. Oh, [deleted for Momma]. Sounds like a relatively new graduate being overzealous. Once he made the call, the others backed him up. The Director will not be pleased at this publicity nightmare. A “cease and desist” followed by a hose when the children had moved on would have been more in order from the details you are giving. I wonder what the trooper’s side was?

    The additional backup was because there was a crowd, I am sure. Does it mention if any of them got angry at the treatment of Santa? Not condoning, just a possible explanation.

    In Austin, every call, every traffic stop gets a second car as backup at minimum. Doesn’t matter what the call is or how trivial. Because I-35 has become a corridor for drugs and human trafficking, and we have developed an interesting gang problem here as a result, they do it for the safety of the officers.

    At DPS we get weekly reports of what the troopers do each week across the state. They are internal documents because some mention open cases (and the many places they’ve found drugs stashed in cars), but the numbers are staggering. When you realize that law enforcement officers pull maybe 10% of the dope being run, and I’m only looking at the report for the state troopers, not all the county and local LEOs, it would make your hair curl without Thelma working on it.

    But I digress. I was just trying to explain the extra patrol cars, etc.

  2. Okeedokee, let’s look at the video. Ohhhhh, I see. Big mistake. Give a platform (ya think they might’ve posited a scenerio such as this.) Good, any publicity etc. . . . . a tad lame though.

  3. No wonder Texas is laughed at everyday!!

  4. K, y’all- please forgive me here, but That’s messed up- even for Texas!

  5. Sam in Kyle says:

    Are police allowed to confiscate videos from private citizens? Have we fallen that far? Seems a little too intimidating even for Texas.

    On the positive side, Santa and Rudolph didn’t get cavity searched by a trooper using the same glove.

  6. Setting aside the total asinine use of force, I’d like to know who called in the complaint? Who cares about kids, or anyone else for that matter, writing with chalk on the sidewalk?

    Way to go, Texas.

  7. RockheadedMama says:

    I don’t understand how we got to the point that misdemeanor violations keep ending up with people face down on the ground and handcuffed. Hells Bells. You only get a TICKET for HITTING another person! (Granted, that person cannot be powerful, wealthy or a “peace officer” for that to be the case — but, then, THAT brings up that whole “Rule of Law” stuff again…)

  8. W C Peterson says:

    But were they “Christian cops”? Didn’t they watch Bill O’Really on Faux Nooz to know there’s a “War on Christmas”?

  9. Santa was arrested yesterday. He was later detained by ICE for entering the Country illegally. He is currently at Polk Detention Facility in deep East Texas. Aint that a shame?

  10. Oh, for crying out loud, it’s CHALK, not indelible ink. It’s KIDS, writing their hopes and dreams.

  11. It’s quite obvious that Scrooge and the Grinch and their relatives all reside in Texas … good Lord!!!

  12. You know how we suspect that those who scream the loudest about homosexuality are closeted? Well, considering Texas’ preoccupation with the “alien” problem, I believe the loud strong protest over aliens is because there are so many extraterrestrials residing in TX. I mean, that has got to be the place where the space ship landed. You have exponential crazy. Those aren’t real people, they are pods who have taken human form. Only explanation. They make bat crap crazy Bachman, look reasonable.

  13. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Good Grief.

    And Merry Christmas.

  14. People get…a certain kind of satisfaction when they can physically dominate another person. The hormone behind that is testosterone (in both males and females) and it sends a biochemical glow of pleasure to the brain “We WON! We are the WINNER! HA!” So being able to throw Santa face down on the ground and handcuff him, humiliate him in front of others, would have given a rush of pleasure wiping out the possible consequences of doing so in front of parents and children who won’t think it’s that good a deed.

    Unfortunately, the people who choose professions in which they get to dominate others are the least likely to think about the effect on bystanders when they throw down a non-violent, non-dangerous, non-gun-wielding guy in a Santa suit and call it “resisting arrest.” (I haven’t yet figured out what *isn’t* resisting arrest since almost anything someone does, including breathe, has been labeled that on one occasion or another.) They are already a bit high on the old T-hormone.

    Chalking the sidewalk. A serious crime. Really….(shaking my head and thinking that’s so lame it can’t walk.)

  15. gabberflasted says:

    I don’t know how to say this but, would all you Teaxans hurry up and secede?
    Save us the trouble!

    BTW, “Teaxans” is not mispelled.

  16. Police brutality against Santa, after raping women stopped on highway. Somebody needs to get rid of the DPS Director now. Seriously.

  17. scottybeamer says:

    Wow! That’s some real macho going on there! Amazing the power a uniform can give ya………enough power to even arrest Santa. The reindeer won’t be happy about this.

  18. You’re looking at “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947) redux Texas style!

    “Faith is believing when common sense tells you not to. Don’t you see? It’s not just Kris that’s on trial, it’s everything he stands for. It’s kindness and joy and love and all the other intangibles.”

    Btw… isn’t this ‘gubmint’ over-reaching? Where were the TeaParty-2ndAmendment folks with their semi-automatic firearms?

  19. Dayum! ya’ll are succeding in making Mississippi look better everyday!

  20. gabberflasted, “all you Teaxians” are not alike. That’s our point.

  21. Corinne Sabo says:

    Where was the SWAT team to arrest the reindeer?

  22. Maybe his sleigh was double-parked.

  23. Do the people who become law enforcers sign away their brains, or are they just born that way? I can understand taking extra care when faced with a dangerous situation, but Santa, children and chalk don’t normally appear to constitute a danger to anyone. Maybe they were taught in training that chalk is only to be used to outline bodies.

  24. Is the post about Santa being with ICE a joke or did this guy really get busted on an immigration charge?

  25. Well, it was Dec. 21st yesterday. You don’t want chalk on the sidewalk if the end of the world is imminent.

  26. Has anyone posted the video?

  27. scottybeamer says:

    LOL @Carlo……..good one!

  28. Are these the same cops who protect our governor?

  29. this is the same state that allowed a Cop to pull over a law abiding Rider on a moped type bike because he had a helmet cam and the cop wanted it for evidence of other bikers that were riding ahead of him.he got arrested because he said the bikes plate was obstructed and all that was reported was that it was being looked into.so yea Texas arresting Santa is normal

  30. Santas a communist, haha

  31. Six tax feeders with nothing else to do..

  32. Yes people. The action of a few state troopers reflects the attitude of the whole state. Get real. I would love for us to secede, but unfortunately we have a puppet governor. The state has become this over bearing EVERYWHERE. They just are less afraid to show it here.

  33. GrimFandango says:

    “I-35 has become a corridor for drugs and human trafficking” so the cops are allowed to pull this mindless nonsense? At least the didn’t taser him.

    Want to reduce the drug traffic on I-35 to zero without one cop involved? Legalize drugs, like Portugal did 11 years ago, where their total crime rate dropped precipitously and has not risen since.

    Over half of the millions in US prisons are criminals without a victim, they are guilty of using, and selling small amounts of, drugs. Making something illegal that people really want only results in a criminal underground, with all the associated violence and related crime. We already figured that out in 1933, but not before crime syndicates infested every major city, and hundreds of thousands died as a result

  34. With regards to the wonder of how we got to this point…

    This is what happens as a country is being primed for similar treatment as Russia in the early 1900s – 1.7 million, conservatively, murdered. Lenin, and Trosky were initially sponsored by Americans.

    Before that, it was France.

    Sometimes, I guess, it’s a slow process. Ours started with 9/11. Ten years later, we’re well on our way. Check the laws if you have any doubt of this.

  35. First of all, there was no DPS in riot gear. There were motorcycle or “motors” Troopers there. Maybe you are unfamiliar with their modified uniform, or, just wanted to enhance the story. And, they don’t make the laws, the legislators do. The “Santa” had an alterior motive, ie, Occupy Austin and was there to test the cops as he has done in the past. If you don’t stop it before it gets bad, you’ll be paying overtime to the State Preservation Board for extensive clean-up of graffiti, whether chalk or spray paint is used. Don’t blame the messengers, talk to your legislators…..

  36. Juanita Jean says:

    Oh good Lord, renee. I have been in Austin and seen the same thing happen during the Texas Teacher Association rally. Yeah, teachers. Do you think arresting people and taking up jail space and police time is the way to handle this? How ’bout just a ticket with a stiff fine?

  37. Richard Grune says:

    This is from the very liberal city of Austin.
