Newt Gingrich Says God is a Sumbitch

December 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Speaking on the radio today, Newt said that the Sandy Hooks Elementary School massacre was “tied to a godless society.”

“When you have an anti-religious, secular bureaucracy and secular judiciary, seeking to drive God out of public life, something fills the vacuum,” Gingrich said. “I don’t know that going from communion to playing war games, in which you practice killing people is necessarily an improvement.”

Gee, I thought adultery filled the vacuum.

At first, Gingrich thought it was caused by divorce, hypocrisy, and short chubby ex congressmen who won’t waddle away, but he decided God was to blame instead.

What a sumbitch God is – taking it out on innocent little children because Newt Gingrich misbehaved most of his adult life.

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0 Comments to “Newt Gingrich Says God is a Sumbitch”

  1. Sigh.

    Looking anywhere but the obvious. IT’S THE GUNS, STUPID

  2. Nothing grinds my grits more than hypocrisy. And the Rs seem to have a patent on it. I do wish Dante was alive today to tell us which circle in hell is reserved for them … and what torture they have in store. Sheesh. Noot. Akin. Dobson. Huckabee.

    What’s the quote? “At long last, have you no sense of decency?”

    Guess not.

  3. What is it with these idiots? Why the hell (sorry Mama) do they think religion is going to make a difference? And who gets to decide whose religion. At this point one of the old Norse gods is beginning to sound good. Or Karma with a capital Kali.

    At this point I’m so angry that I have a fix for the whole mess. It ain’t pretty, see above reference to alternate deities.

    1. You want to keep those high capacity magazines. Fine it will cost you $100 each a year. And they must be registered along with your current name and address which will be physically verified. Said money will be used to fund better mental health care.

    2. To hell with all the squabbling. All guns will be registered. Period. With the Federal and State governments. Not only will the background check look for wants and warrants but will cross reference with a national database of mental health issues and HIPPA be damned. There is a limit.

    3. If you are one of the jackasses who thinks the deaths of 20+ children are a small price to pay for “freedom”, well. I want the names of you and your children or other loved ones. The next time some idiot goes crazy and shoots up a school or theater we will put the names in a big fish bowl-pull them out and summarily execute your loved ones right in front of you. You either help come up with a solution or get a good case of instant karma.

    This has got to stop. And no I am not anti-gun I have a SKS in the closet and 1911 style .45 in the headboard.

    Incredibly pissed off Hippie in the Hollar.

  4. Of course the Newt thinks it’s God’s fault; man, I wish I could type what REALLY is going thru my mind about this “man”, but I know I gotta abide by the Shop rules. Something tells me you all are thinking the same things about him… 😉

  5. These asshats are amazing… I’ve read where they’ve blamed secular humanists for chasing God out of the schools (ignoring the fact that some of these shootings have occurred in churches DURING services), they’ve blamed Hollywood and video games, they’ve blamed it on homosexuals, abortion, and today I read where one of them even blamed it all on Jon Stewart for waging a War on Christmas and Christianity.

    ‘Noot’ pointing his fat fingers at anyone else’s transgressions ought to be the punchline for every late night comic on television.

  6. B-b-b-but he only commited adultery because he loved America too much.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Dr. Martin E. Marty at the U. of Chicago (he’s a theologian, you guys) fussed at the GOP for saying that God was chased out of schools etc. He fussed for a whole page. Just so you know.

  8. Imagine a land of ardent religion, lots of guns, no video games, and macho men. No wonder Afghanistan is so damn peaceful.

  9. Gingrich’s argument makes perfect sense since historically no strongly religious country ever had any violent acts take place. The violence only began when people got all secular and everything.

  10. TexasEllen hit the exact center of the bulls eye.

    Ann Telnaes didn’t disappoint with her “America’s Cowboy Mentality” animated cartoon yesterday.

    Maybe Newt believes Newtown was named after him, or maybe he’s just driven to use whatever wipes is handy to get a little… attention, that is.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’m with Wally on this one. If the gunman had claimed that he killed 20 children out of patriotic fervor, Newt would understand his position, and ask him to run for President.

  12. If I had to pray to Huckabee’s, Dobson and Ginfrich god, iId be very pissed off and angry.

    This is a God of vengeance and wrath. Who better to be a god of violence and death?

    I wonder if that’s why republicans are the way they are…..

  13. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    It is true that guns do not kill people but they sure do make it a whole lot easier for people to kill people.

    IF any deity had ANYTHING to do with these events, it’s the one that made the USA into a truly violent bunch of people. Only violent people think that there is any need for a civilian to own a military grade, semi-automatic firearm with a magazine capacity of 30 or more rounds filled with hollow point/dum-dum bullets designed to inflict maximum tissue damage on whatever mammal they happen to strike. They’re no good for hunting unless you’re objective is to get ground meat and bologna with a soupcon of organ meat adding extra flavor. The only purpose of such a weapon is to kill people — as many as possible.

    And if anyone thinks that they are good enough to use their personal concealed handgun to intervene in a mass murder situation like that, or the one before it, or the one before that, or … all the way back to Charlie Whitman, they’re bloody delusional.

  14. I’ve been wondering about 2nd amendment’s purpose is to secure a militia. So, how about each gun having a time in service requirement…if you are not willing to participate in state service, voluntary service, including training as militia(which means you can be tapped for say riot control) then you cannot own a gun more powerful than a beebee gun.

    It’s a thought…

  15. Star–I’m with you on that. And with the idea that the gun needs to be inspected annually, licensed, and insured for liability, just like a car…

  16. Mimi Diane says:

    There’s just something about Newt telling us how we ought to live Godly lives that makes me glad I live in my own little world.

  17. God doesn’t have the time to bring world peace, end cancer or protect our children in classrooms.. he’s far too busy arranging blind dates at………

  18. Great comments, one and all.

    Yes, resoundingly to “required military service” for anyone owning a gun;

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, to a minimum of $5 MIL liability insurance for each gun owned;

    Bullets to cost a minimum of $100 a piece, no more than 20 purchased at any given time and registered in national data base;

    Mental health evaluations and gun registration on all guns, even BB guns;

    And, Newtie is no longer allowed to use his favor word, SECULAR – I do not believe he understands the definition. Nobody should be put a microphone in front of him, again.

  19. Why is God the only path to morality?
    There are many many people in the world who do not believe in God, yet they are not murdering thugs.

    It is possible to be a moral person and not believe in the God of Huckabee, dobson et al. There are millions of people who believe in other deities and do no harm to others.

    They talk about God so they do not have to talk about guns. They throw their faith around so they do not have to talk about the proliferation of guns in the US.

    For if they truly believed in God, why would they need guns? Why?

  20. Would someone please pop this pimple so he will just go away and stay away? Whitehead, red around the edges and full of puss…. Argh!
    So According to the New Yorker this week, prior to the late ’60s, the NRA was a little organization centered on Gun Safety, but what with the passage of the Civil Rights acts, some Good Ole Boys decided that they would take it over and use it as a means to work within the system to Change the Previously held interpretation of the 2nd Amendment(Militia and all that stuff) and make it so other good ole boys could stockpile weapons for the coming War with all those other folks what done just got full rights and all. it was a slow process, but finally good ole sticky finger Scalia finally got it into the law books, And now we have ALEC which got all those “stand your ground laws” passed so, again, Said Good Ole boys, can use their weapons whenever they feel threatened by those ‘Other Folks,” you know, like the one The rest of us call President? And while I’m on this rant, Why are all these “Christians” talking about stockpiling for Armageddon? aren’t they gonna be Raptured and what not? My understanding is that prolly not a good idea to hedge your bet with God…

  21. Aggieland liz says:

    Ardent religion does not describe the US unless you want to discuss devotion to Mammon. Who is also Newt’s god btw, and Huckabee’s too. And Rick Perry’s, and the NRA’s as well.

    Guns are supposed to be “well-regulated” it says so in the Constitution. You know, those Founding Fathers said so.
    Some newly-elected ass from Dist 14 and owns a hunting business has had the nerve to mention common sense in relation to all this. I suspect he may not be able to read, and am thrilled that 14 is NOT my district. We have Schwertner and he is a Dr, wondering what he will say/do about this. The NRA owns Cornyn, but I wrote him anyway.

  22. oh brother Gingrich! Still I cut him some slack. He is the one who created/promoted the Bain Capital information.

    Regarding all the discussions of Adam Lanza: I think Lanza was as much a victim as the the children who died. Lanza had Asperger Syndrome.

    Asperger syndrome, is characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction, by stereotyped and restricted patterns of behavior, activities and interests, and by no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or general delay in language. Intense preoccupation with a narrow subject, one-sided verbosity, restricted prosody, inability to empathize, and physical clumsiness.

    His mother is reported to have been a gun enthusiast. Why on earth would anyone allow a person with Asperger syndrome to handle weapons?

    The LAST thing that most parents of children with Asperger Syndrome would do is put a gun in their hands.

  23. As the mom of a kid with Asperger’s, I would really prefer people not to make the move to assume that the shooter’s supposed diagnosis CAUSED him to go on a shooting rampage. The Autism society had a nice piece on this at:
    Also an important blog post about making mental illness the scapegoat:
