Wanna See Rush Limbaugh’s Head Explode

December 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “Wanna See Rush Limbaugh’s Head Explode”

  1. W C Peterson says:

    That would do it. Let’s shop it around.

  2. I’m stealing this.

  3. Lord, let me live long enough to rub the noses of my fundamentalist racist relatives into it. There would be great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  4. Where do I get the early voting form? 😉

  5. OMG – a woman AND a brown man. Get ready for the ugliness to spew.

  6. I already have the bumper sticker. I bought it election night.

  7. What do you bet that President Obama, in gratitude for the Democratic stalwarts who had his back in the recent election, will provide enthusiastic support to the candidate chosen to succeed him. That IS the way he rolls!

  8. OMG!!! Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!!! I am doing a little happy dance just thinking on it. Hehe. And that, by-the-way, is for real happiness at the idea of the two of them running not ole Jughead head’s exploding – that is just fantasy – ya know it would be just a little pop because he lets the b.s. get out as quick as it forms and there isn’t anything else in there.

  9. I need a bumper sticker….

  10. Paula Denmon says:

    Just made me smile from ear to ear! What a grand idea.

  11. No, Richard. Hillary has waited far too long to thumb her nose at those good ole boys in Congress during Bill’s Presidency. It’s time the nation acknowledged her undeniable intelligence and excellent leadership. It is definitely her time
    if she wants it. Let’s crack that glass ceiling!

  12. Aggieland liz says:

    AMEN Maryelle, with a @&$ing sledgehammer!!
