And, Boy Howdy, We Are Plenty Proud!

November 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Our Gubnor jest won himself one of them prizes.

From the Washington Post:

Today we are handing out the Fixy — the coveted political awards that we, well, made up — for the worst candidate of the 2012 election. Tomorrow we give out The Fixy for the best candidate.

But, in our mind, the race to the bottom wasn’t all that close.  We are giving The Fixy for worst candidate of 2012 to Texas Gov. Rick Perry for his remarkably poor presidential campaign.

Jeeter and his older brother Dirt Janochek, of course, are not impressed.  Jeeter says he’d like to kindly inform those Yankees that Rick Perry has himself a lot fancier Worst awards than their piddling little contest.  Rick won the Oh Crap You’re Godawful award for his work in state government and the Official Glen Maxey Please Put It Away award from the LGBT Coalition of Texas.  He swept all the categories of Worst Rock Paintings at Hunting Lodges, and killed the competition at the semi-annual Remembering Things competition.

When it comes to being the worst, Rick Perry is an expert.

Thanks to Andrea and Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And, Boy Howdy, We Are Plenty Proud!”

  1. Still, it is nice to know that folks in the big city understand what we put up with. They really have no concept of how awful he truly is, but at least they are on the right track.

  2. And, the Choir says “Amen”.

  3. TexasEllen says:

    Also the Whale Poop trophy for lowest possible contribution to civilization.

  4. “Worst Rock Paintings.” Did you ever notice that even primitive humans, who barely had a few arrows and some fire to their name, didn’t go around painting racist stuff, even way back in their caves? And we’re talking 35,000 years ago.

  5. Sam in Kyle says:

    He earned it fair and square. The best part is he didn’t even have to try to look stupid.

  6. grannygrey50 says:

    Not really sure which is worse, GoodHair or Baldo…BUT..since it was a Texas award, I guess GoodHair won…Baldo actually has a lower rating… Thank you, Miss Juanita Jean, for letting us ‘ex-pat Texans’ know what all is going on back home…

  7. He also won a year’s supply of Ambien for sleepwalking through the primary debates.

  8. This is proof positive that scum rises to the top, the same as cream does.

  9. I’m sorry but that is totally wrong. I’m no fan of your governor but geez, at least he’s a politician. At least he governs a state. Donald Trump and Herman Cain were both far, far worse candidates. And let’s remember, they were SERIOUS candidates. They got lots of attention and magazine covers and were taken seriously by idiots like, well, the Washington Post.

  10. Wish we had dem awards up here. Hands down it would go to Scott Walker.

  11. I’m reminded of a cartoon: “As a candidate in the gubernatorial race, how big a goober will you be?”

    I agree with Southern Beale that Trump and Cain weren’t even politicians of any stripe– what is it with rich clowns that they jump into running for President of the United States instead of starting with city council or even the US House? I’m tired of these “I’ll run the country the way I ran my business” fools who know diddlysquat about how government works.

    But in a way Perry was worse because he WAS an elected official. I mean… how… why… what were the other options like…?

  12. Cain & Trump trumped the whole lot, but were SO bad, they didn’t even register for WaPo’s “Worst Candidate” list. The Donald will now take it to the bank with a new “Candidate” show & the two of them will decide which aspiring political candidates will go on to the next level & which will get booted off.
