Another Reason Why the Only Man in a Dress You Should Trust is RuPaul
Look, Father, I don’t mean to be disrespectful but …. just who the damn crap hell do you think you are?
I’ve had it with you boys in dresses.
Thousands of area Catholics attending Mass this weekend will hear a message about the Roman Catholic Church’s objections to elements of the Affordable Care Act through a letter Peoria Bishop Daniel Jenky is requiring all priests to read.
So hungry children are more important to you than health care for them and their mothers?
I just have one more tacky thing to say. Obviously Bishop Jenky isn’t into that sharing the fish and the loaves, because he ate the whole damn bakery. Obviously gluttony has been removed as a deadly sin.
But, let me change my advice. Don’t trust a man in a muu-muu. Ever. Any of them. RuPaul wouldn’t be caught dead in a muu-muu.
Thanks to Ken for the heads up. And Yes, I know I’m going to hell.