Dear Miss Fenway Fran
Our customer and fellow Democratic National Convention attendee, Fenway Fran is in deep dodo.
As you know, she moved to Washington State a few years ago. That’s fine. Go freeze your butt off, I don’t care. But where I draw the line is when she starts stealing crazy from Texas and taking it to Washington State. We are proud of our crazy here in Texas and you can’t just pick some up and start spreading it in foreign states.
Well, I guess you can, but you have to face my “plenty upset” when you do it. Fran snuck some back and gave it to some Republican by the name of John Koster.
John Koster, a Republican congressional candidate in Washington state, said Sunday that “the rape thing” is not a good enough reason for a woman to have an abortion, the Associated Press reported.
Asked at a campaign fundraiser whether he supports abortion rights in some situations, Koster replied that he only supports abortion in cases where a woman’s life is in danger.
“Incest is so rare, I mean, it’s so rare,” he said. “But the rape thing– you know, I know a woman who was raped and kept the child, gave it up for adoption, and she doesn’t regret it.”
He added, “On the rape thing, it’s like, how does putting more violence onto a woman’s body and taking the life of an innocent child that’s a consequence of this crime — how does that make it better? You know what I mean?”
No, John, I do not know what you mean about “the rape thing.” Do you have much experience with that, John?
And God knows that if something is good for one woman, it’s good for all women. You know, like size 6 shoes, or becoming a paratrooper and stuff like that.
Way to go, John. You got the ladies all figured out.
Thanks to Michele for the heads up.
Oh, Fran, how COULD you?
1Incest is rare?
2Rarely reported, perhaps. That’s one where the shame-factor is still very strong for the woman/child who is molested by a parent, step-parent, sibling, cousin, nephew, uncle, or other trusted person. But I’m sure that people like Koster wouldn’t hesitate to bring up the issue of whether or not it was “legitimate” incest or if it’s just being used as an excuse to “qualify” for what should be a simple right to choose.
Good Grief.
I hope this man does not have daughters.
3The definition of clueless: When you are told repeatedly that you are digging your own grave and yet you keep requesting additional shovels.
May I simply say I am “Akin” for this election to be over……
4Wasn’t that some special brand of cow pie? I’ve been angrily foaming a the mouth about this guy for a while now, he is just south of us and I about puke every time I happen to drive far enough down to see his roadside signs.
I often wonder how he would respond if HIS woman was raped; how happy would he be to ‘rent’ out HER body for nine months to that surprise interloper?
5Who was supposed to notify us about the glue shortage? You know, the glue that holds down the rocks that these (um, OK, insert your own expletives here) keep crawling out from under.
6I know…it all hit the fan while I was busy with trick or treat preparations at the HQ. Imagine my embarrassment that I didn’t get to break this story first…Oh the shame, JJ had to do it for me from crazy damn Texas! All I can say is, it’s great for the CD1 Dem candidate Suzan Del Bene!
7Dear Washington,
Please return the crazy. That was a short-term loan, not a gift.
8Perhaps a Texas town is missing it’s town idiot?
Or, a brother from a different mother?
Think the CDC should be involved. The stupid is spreading Wonder when they will have a shot for it?
9The “Rape Thing” is none of his business right up until the point where he gets raped and pregnant. Then he gets to choose (though only for himself).
10Note that were radical right Republicans are concerned there is plenty of crazy to go around. Heck, we could export it if we could find anyone who would take it.
11I used to think incest was rare, and if it did occur in a much more deprived environment. That all changed when a friend of mine went from being a high school teacher to Guidance (in the early 70’s), boy did she get an earfull and she passed the information (with sources protected of course) to her friends. This was in a very middle class, affluent area of Connecticut. I don’t think it’s that rare anymore and I don’t think it only happens in deprived areas. I do however believe it is pretty underreported.
12Dear Washington: You can keep the crazy. We have enough of our own.
Isn’t it time that we stopped “the rape thing” instead of re-defining “the rape thing”?
Rape is rape.
Doesn’t matter if it’s incest. It’s still rape. And it’s usually still more about “Power” than “sex”.
Rape is just one of the ways……. men show women…… who’s boss.
And, it’s still a crime.
13So he thinks incest is rare because he doesn’t hear of it; that’s about as stupid as one can get. It happens much too frequently, throughout all walks of life. The only thing “rare” about it is that it is rarely reported. A friend of mine found out about her daughter several years after it first occurred; when the daughter was about 16 she finally told her. The dad was an attorney and VP of a bank. It was not reported to the authorities because the daughter didn’t want to, but I don’t believe she ever saw her dad again.
14Having watched the Republicans under Nixon usurp the use of psychology from Madison Ave (shame returning WWll vets into abandoning nuclear family so two or three, not just one refrigerator could be sold) for years, I am wondering if the spin doctors have lost their compass on this one – the Republicans being identified with old white men, maybe the thought was to “protect” women by forcing an association by legitimate rapists with impotent old white men. Thus reducing rape. All for a good cause, as is everything in the party. As logical as any R idea,of course.
15Incest is rare? 1 in 5 = NOT rare. When it happened to me, and then a few friends opened up…yeah. I’d say the 1 in 5 statistic is dead-on. Not one of us had told anyone.
I have things to say about Koster, but it would make Momma blush to the point of being purple, so I’ll just agree with RA above. *steams*
16Obviously Koster (he doesn’t deserve a title at all) has not read any of his local newspaper reports, contacted Washington State’s child protective agency, or any other child services agencies to find out what really happens and how many children are affected by incest (reported or not). He might even try contacting pediatricians in Washington or Children’s Hospital in Seattle and see what they can tell him about sexual abuse of children and incest. He probably wouldn’t believe it, even if he bothered to hear it.
17Seems like these repubs think rape is just fun sex, and maybe they secretly wish some beautiful girl (very young of course) would rape them. How many rapes occur because of Viagra? Has there ever been a study on that?
18I am with you Neener–when I discovered mine ( so violent and brutal my brain shut the memory off) I talked about it with friends. Sitting in the car waiting to pick up my daughters from school I mentioned to a friend that it was odd, but it seemed that 95% of my friends had all had incest issues–she got a funny look on her face and said it was more likely to be 100%–under reported, awful and happens to both sexes…
19I try not to be violent in my life, but I have fantasies about broomsticks, condoms, and developing empathy classes for Gross Old Perverts–like my grandfather, who ruined a lot of lives, no doubt out of his abuse–but no child should suffer-ever! And rape is a violation of so much– my hypnotherapy practice showed me that…much less my own experience!
Soooo with all of these cray cray over va jay jay downticket candidates, the GOP accused of suppressing economic data about the richvolk tax rates, Christie, Bloomberg, Powell, fake Jeep ads and strengthening poll data for Obama…
Mitt’s having a perfect little storm of his own.
21I’m hoping that storm drowns the son of a biscuit. (fooled ya mama) and his little dog too.
John Koster, if you were raped and impregnated not only would you make sure abortion was a law but you would also insist that it be a sacrament!
22So the radical right believes that incest is rare, but in-person voter fraud is rampant?
23After rape, how does abortion make it better? Well, let me suggest this. I’ve never been raped, and I’ll never be pregnant, so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but if I had been pregnant as the result of a rape, I would have done anything– anything– to get that parasite out of my body. And Kostner can shut up because he definitely doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
2431 states give parental rights to men who fathered a child through rape. Someone needs to tell Koster that carrying a fetus 9 months and the sometimes complications and pain of childbirth is more dangerous than an abortion performed by a qualified Physician. By the way if life begins at conception how is it that they can freeze fertilized eggs?
25I guess the little girls who got it from an uncle, a brother and a step father just count as one victim. What an idiot. Half the over weight women you know are that way to avoid unwanted sexual advances.
26@sirrah, that’s an excellent question: “If life begins at conception how is that they can freeze fertilized eggs?” You can’t freeze a fetus or a baby and have it live as far as I know.
27For me, one of the weirdest political moments of this election season was hearing President Obama state, matter-of-factly, that rape is a crime. A crime. An act of criminality.
The repugnican law and order gang seems to think being raped is the crime.
28Judging from the comments section of many, many articles and sites, incest is anything but rare. Mark me down as another of the few(?). But, the bigger question is why, oh why, can’t the Republicans shut up about rape?
29Road trip to WA state? I’ll bring the broomstick.
30June, I wish someone would ask the ” life begins at conception” crowd how come they can freeze fertilized eggs without killing the fetus.
31June and Sirrah — I saw a question somewhere, can’t remember where, but it had to do with parents who go out for the evening and leave small children home alone, often with tragic results. The question was, “If they can’t find a good sitter, they could just put the kids in the freezer, couldn’t they? At least the kids wouldn’t get into any trouble, and they could thaw them out later.”