Oh, The Humanity, Part Two

October 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump’s BIG announcement?

He has discovered through secret documents that mockery is alive and well in Twitter.

The announcement was immediately mocked on Twitter.

“Our expectations about @realDonaldTrump’s Obama announcement were clearly not low enough,” New York Magazine said on its Twitter feed.

“BREAKING: Donald Trump demands to know what medical school Dr. Dre went to,” Twitter user @BScalabrine24 wrote.

“Trump will give $5 million if Obama releases his college records,” @WatchJ tweeted. “I’ll give a crackhead $3 if Trump releases that squirrel sittin on his head.”

“BREAKING: Donald Trump replaces bed bugs as Americas #1 Pest,” Lizz Winstead wrote on Twitter.

“We’re going to make a very important cat announcement shortly that will change the internet,” BuzzFeed declared.

“Sorry Trump, but in the same way the U.S. doesn’t negotiate with terrorists, presidents shouldn’t negotiate with idiots,” @the_moonface wrote.

“This Donald Trump character is Andy Kaufman’s greatest bit ever,” Aaron Blitzstein tweeted.

“Donald Trump is the Honey Boo Boo of rich people,” @MorgonFreeman said.

“Trump, would you be a dear and offer 5 million dollars if Romney will reveal ANY PART of his economic plan?” Alex Baze wrote.

My BIG announcement?  I will give $5 cash American money to Americans With Tragic Hair Disabilities see Mitt Romney’s tax returns and, unlike Trump, I actually have $5 cash American money.

Thanks to Craig for the toon.

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0 Comments to “Oh, The Humanity, Part Two”

  1. VintageMomma says:

    I was talking with a friend about this Blow Hard’s big announcement and she said she hopes Obama gives Trump the paperwork and tells Trump to make the check out to Planned Parenthood.

  2. VintageMomma, while I love, Love, LOVE that idea, he can’t. Once again, there is that whole negotiating with terrorists thing. Either that or it falls under the category of taking advantage of the mentally handicapped. I am not sure which one of those things applies, I get so confused when it comes to Trump….

  3. fenway fran says:

    This would be a better October surprise than The Donald’s, from another nutcase, certainly. We can only hope some of it holds up, but since the words perjury and stock fraud are in the title, it just might have legs. http://www.examiner.com/article/mitt-romney-implicated-perjury-and-stock-fraud-made-millions-process

  4. TexasEllen says:

    So Trump is willing to deprive poor children of $5 million so he can showboat and seek publicity. He’s such a dim bulb.

  5. Um, Stephen Colbert, trumped Trump last night but I can not talk about his suggestion to the Donald last night in front of Mama. Suffice it to say he did offer Donald $1 million we just can’t talk about it but I will bet Faux Noise and the Trumpster will!

  6. So…Romney still hasn’t released all his tax records, or his economic plan, or his jobs plan, and I certainly haven’t seen Romney’s college records, and Trump says Obama is the least transparent?

    Who cares about the college records, and why? Among other things, Romney claims a Harvard graduate degree but is so ignorant on so many things that it proves the degree worthless. (OK, not worthless for making money with, but worthless as evidence of having internalized a good basic education.) George Bush was a C student at Yale, something the Right claimed made him “more human.” (Nothing could make Dubya more human.) Exactly what does Trump think he needs to know about Obama’s college record? Classes, grades, class standing? It doesn’t matter.

    The Donald is a troll. A plain, garden-variety, familiar=on-the-internet troll. So’s Palin.

  7. Trump said he has a very big tweet!

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    So how can POTUS’s college transcripts be more important than Romney’s tax returns?

    Of course, they’re not. And Mitt did not need that issue to be brought up again. The tax issue was settled. Romney survived it. Then Trump had to bring back the issue of hidden historic records. Now the big October surprise hurts Romney and embarrasses Trump.

    And that’s a no surprise from an idiot like Trump.

  9. Deb – my jaw hit the floor when watching Colbert – the visual made me feel kind of queasy but boy howdy I’d even chip in $5 to up Colbert’s fund. I’d still love for someone to do a challenge for releasing Mitt’s tax returns. The sheer racism takes my breath away and what ticks me off is there is not more outrage — kind of like well it’s expected, ignore them — no I will not ignore stupidity or racism, but I think NBC should be flooded with letters protesting them carrying the jerk’s show.

  10. I am reminded of the old question, “If you are so rich, why aint smart.

  11. And to think this MANIAC was once considered a serious Republican candidate for the presidency! That’s how low the bar is. How can half the voters be so downright STUPID to fall for Romney & Company’s ever-changing bullshit?
    Even the biggest red-neck racist should realize he’s going to get screwed by these rich, power-hungry manipulators.

  12. Here’s the other thing. I’m pretty sure colleges and universities don’t keep application materials as part of a student’s permanent record past a certain point, certainly not for 40 odd years. So, even if President Obama wanted to release all of that information, they could claim that he’s “holding back” some of the requested records and Trump wouldn’t have to pay. It’s a no-win scenario, well, except for the making fun of Trump part.

  13. There once was a fellow named Trump,
    Who pitched for the right on the stump.
    It was nonsense he said,
    And that thing on his head
    Resembled a porcupine’s rump.
