Oh Girl, Just Hush

October 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, brace yourself.

Apparently, Sarah Palin ain’t finished.

Sarah Palin decried President Obama’s handling of Libya on Wednesday in a Facebook post titled “Obama’s Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies.”

“Why the lies? Why the cover up? Why the dissembling about the cause of the murder of our ambassador on the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks on American soil?” Palin wrote. “We deserve answers to this. President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.”

Girl, you’re gonna drool all over your Manolo Blahniks, slip, and slide your little patootie all the way to Russia.

Just hush.  You could make the moon blush, Girl.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Girl, Just Hush”

  1. I was wondering why we had not had the “pleasure” of her opinions lately, then remembered her daughter was on Dancing With The Stars, so she kept quiet so as not to hurt the vote count – didn’t work, Bristol was sent packing, so now we get to hear from her moronic mom. Heaven help us all!

  2. Shuck and jive????? Are you kidding! No, they aren’t racists.

  3. Just a reminder:

    “Dear Dennis,

    I am not writing to you as a black voter, or a woman voter, or as a voter who is over 70 years old and six feet tall. I am writing to you as a representative of this great country — as an American.

    It is your job to vote. It is your responsibility, your right, and your privilege. You may be pretty or plain, heavy or thin, gay or straight, poor or rich.

    But remember this: In an election, every voice is equally powerful — don’t underestimate your vote. Voting is the great equalizer.

    Voting has already begun in some states that President Obama needs to win. So please use this handy tool to make sure your friends in those key states know where to cast their ballot. You will be doing them a great favor.

    As a country, we can scarcely perceive the magnitude of our progress.

    My grandmother and my uncle experienced circumstances that would break your heart. When they went to vote, they were asked impossible questions like, “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” When they couldn’t answer, they couldn’t vote.

    I once debated with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. about whether an African American would ever be elected president. He believed it would happen within the next 40 years at the time — I believed it would never happen within my lifetime.

    I have never been happier to have been proven wrong.

    And since President Barack Obama’s historic election, we’ve moved forward in courageous and beautiful ways. More students can afford college, and more families have access to affordable health insurance. Women have greater opportunities to get equal pay for equal work.

    Yet as Rev. King wrote, “All progress is precarious.”

    So don’t sit on the sidelines. Don’t hesitate. Don’t have any regrets. Vote.

    Go, rise up, and let your friends and family in early vote states know where they can vote today. We must make our voices heard:


    Your vote is not only important. It’s imperative.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Maya Angelou

    P.S. — Not on Facebook? Send your friends to vote.barackobama.com
    — don’t let technology get in the way of your incredible duty to our democracy.”

  4. Senator McCain’s worse gift to America was giving that woman a national profile so that now she thinks she has a right to express vitriol against the non-Tea Party perspective at every turn. And unfortunately the news reports it all.

  5. When will the Republican’ts learn that you should confirm the intel before acting or making accusations. This lesson should have been learn by the Sorrow visited upon the Families of the 4,804 Service Members who gave thier lives because GOP president Geo. W. Bush whent off half cock and without confrimation.

  6. TexasEllen says:

    Dennis, one Maya Angelou statement on current events is worth more than a gross of Sarah’s. Perfect antidote.

  7. shortpeople says:

    Tell me, Sarah, what security misstep was it that gave us the first 9/11 that was far less optimal from the standpoint of loss of life.

  8. Nothing racist in THAT remark…….

  9. Vinegar Hill says:

    Gawd help me, I hate that racist sow.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    Palin’s racist remarks show more of what she is.

  11. Poor Sarah, she just can’t get past it. She’s been ironing the pointy white hood for almost four years now. Doesn’t she look precious with it finally on?

  12. I realize this is off-topic, but why on earth is Bristol on Dancing With the Stars again? Why was she in the first place?

    About Sarah’s remarks…the apple doesn’t fall far from the funding tree, for these people. (Yes, I used the term “these people.” Ha!)

  13. Bristol has been voted off DWTS. Sarah is down to about 95 lbs and shrinking fast….she’s melting.

  14. joesdaughter says:

    The Republicans can’t imagine passing up an opportunity to politically exploit a tragedy. Look at how they they made a travesty of the investigation into the death of Pat Tillman. Because of this MO they can’t comprehend the need to thoughtfully gather facts and find the truth.

  15. Can’t be a quote from Sarah. “Dissembling”? She would not have used that word. Now if it said Disasembling, I might believe it was her!

  16. Who on earth is Sarah Palin? Did she use to be famous or something?

  17. Go, go LynnN! Who in the hell is this nobody?!? Still making money off the uninformed. I hate her, too, and the other repub and fox idiots. Let’s get out the vote — it’s our only hope.

    Just tonight, a friend who was drinking our wine admitted to me that he doesn’t want to vote for Rmoney, but won’t vote for that N-word. I was stunned. But at least he finally admitted it. During W’s last run, I said to that same man, “I would vote for a house-trained chimpanzee before I’d vote for Bush.” Guess he thinks he’s getting even, but couldn’t justify Rmoney’s flip-flops, his agreement to President Obama’s foreign policy, or his suddenly “moderate” stance, or his stand on women’s issues. I try to change his mind, but know it’s a lost cause. And, of course, he still watches fox (I refuse to capitalize that), and still is enamored of the Palin idiot. Yecchhh!

  18. Kath the Scrappy says:

    @ Rubymay

    My Big Brother from CO is a lifelong Republican. We actually convinced him to vote Obama last time. He was ready to vote Obama again to keep us Sisters happy, since he did NOT like Romney.

    THEN all the advertisements kept running with Bill Clinton in their state and Big Bro was screaming, not sure why he has an aversion to Bill, now wouldn’t vote for Obama but didn’t want to vote for Romney. So, Kid Sis told him “No problem. Check out this Lib Guy Gary Johnson, used to be a Repub now running as a Lib. We’ve listened to this guy and he sounds like the old fashioned type of Repub. AND tell your rancher friends to check out Johnson as well.”

    Seems like Gary Johnson is poised to take some votes away from Romney in the 47states he is on the ballot.

    It’s always nice to be helpful.

  19. Kath the Scrappy says:

    BTW, Sis always comes in excited to tell where she spots them. Here in Seattle WA there’s Gary Johnson (IND) signs sprouting up in several places. Pretty funny! Go Gary!

  20. Looks like Glen Rice taught Sarah how to rhyme!
