And Just When You Think You’ve Seen It All …
Well, I have to admit right here up front that I thought our Republican County Commissioner candidate took the cake when he got caught double voting three times in different states, but it appears that Texas King of Republican County Commissioner Candidates Bozos might be a tight race this year.
SAN ANGELO, Texas — The $62,800 in water utility funds that former Tom Green County Precinct 4 Commissioner Yantis Green misused included, among more than 1,000 illegitimate credit card transactions, donations to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the West Texas Boys Ranch, and money spent on meals at Dairy Queen, according to documents released to the Standard-Times Monday.
I would like to make it clear that it was not Alfredo’s Dairy Queen. Alfredo has a sign in his Dairy Queen saying that he reserves the right to refuse service to Republican county commissioners.
The credit card purchases ranged from everyday expenses such as dry cleaning and gasoline to airline tickets and motorcycle parts.
The second transaction that Green made with the credit card, in June of 2007, is described as “Romney for President” for $100. The Romney campaign was also the beneficiary of a later donation, as well campaigns conducted by Gov. Rick Perry and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann.
Since it’s hard to tell where all the 1,000 examples of misuse happened, I would like to suggest that they check it for hair gel from the Home Shopping Network.
Thanks to Frank for the heads up!
Doesn’t all this credit card stuff break a law or two?
1Not for Texas Republicans LynnN, for them it doesn’t even have to be declared as ordinary income.
2God Bless you Alfredo, you sound decision making has enabled you to avoid a “Blizard” of questions!
I don’t know what mystifies me more; 1,000 illegitimate credit card transactions (wow – how do you do that and think that no one will notice?), or the fact that they put The $62,800 in water utility funds on a credit card so that it could be accessed by Junior Boehner here. I know, a bad play on words – I could not help myself.
3Maybe Mr. Green thinks Tom Green County belongs to him; he looks that stupid to me. Sounds like the water district needs to have some procedures and an occasional audit.
4“On Monday, Green’s attorney said he has sent a check for restitution to the water control district. “A valid check for restitution in full has been sent with the blessing of the United States Attorney’s Office” for the full amount, Green’s Lubbock attorney David Guinn said.”
How was this scofflaw able to scrounge up $63,000 so quickly?
5Y’all realize that DQ is one of the liberal eatin places! Warren Buffet is a major holder of that chain and they do not contribute to conservatives, at least the corporation doesn’t. So, his eatin and spendin money there helps Democrats and he is probably too dumb to know that. 😉