Hey Paul, The Housekeeper Just Left So You Can Come Clean My House

October 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I understand the job of Vice President isn’t very important, but we can rest assured that Paul Ryan is ready and able for the job of washing clean dishes.  That certainly takes a load off my mind.

The head of a northeast Ohio charity says that the Romney campaign last week “ramrodded their way” into the group’s Youngstown soup kitchen so that GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan could get his picture taken washing dishes in the dining hall.

Brian J. Antal, president of the Mahoning County St. Vincent De Paul Society, said that he was not contacted by the Romney campaign ahead of the Saturday morning visit by Ryan, who stopped by the soup kitchen after a town hall at Youngstown State University.

Hey, dude, calm down.  It’s the first honest work the man has done in 20 years.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Hey Paul, The Housekeeper Just Left So You Can Come Clean My House”

  1. LOL on the title alone!

  2. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    They sure managed to keep those white aprons squeaky clean while working in a kitchen. It usually took my apron about 3 minutes to get wet or soiled – but I’m sure I worked a lot harder in those 3 minutes than the Ryans did the whole time (15 minutes?) they were there.

  3. buskyandme says:

    Don’t you hate it when someone takes a video of what actually happens?


  4. Back when the Oxycontin King, el Rushbo, had his brief TeeVee show, he played and re-played an allegedly staged clip of President Clinton pausing on the beach at Normandy (I think) and lining up pebbles in the sand into the shape of a cross.

    Wonder if he will be as diligent about pointing out this made for staging li’l adventure in washing clean pots.

    The GOP: fixing what ain’t broke.

  5. As someone who actually worked in the kitchen that provided meals for the homeless.

    I cannot express ………… how offensive this is.

    Organizations who actually care, and provide meals for people who are homeless, (Let’s not forget….. a lot of them are Vets from the idiotic wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.)


    Momma….. this guy is what is known as (look away) a douche bag.

  6. Need to update: According to the director the place was closed – had already served meals and cleaned up. A volunteer or worker let them in, they loaded up sink with clean dishes and let Little Eddie Munster clean for a few minutes until his picture got taken. They always show up AFTER the work is done and take credit.

  7. Proving once again that the Romney/Ryan team is all show and no go.

  8. The Romney-Ryan ticket (better known as the Reck Ann Ruin trio) thinks spending 15 minutes in an empty soup kitchen in their Sunday best clothing, washing clean pots and pans in front of cameras fulfills its obligation to help poor.

    Speaking of poor, some slug named Kevin Madden, a senior advisor to Romney, just appeared on MSNBC sporting the worst toupee.

  9. Too bad it wasn’t a) honest or b) work. Which pretty much sums up his adult life.

  10. But, June, if he’d done it while the poor were there, he might have had to *look* at them, heaven forbid!

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    Nice guys – using a charity for their political advantage (they wish).

  12. The president of the charity, Brian Antal, was not pleased at Paulie’s showing up at the soup kitchen. Antal relies on private donations and keeps his charity apolitical. Of course, Paulie had to go and mess that up.

  13. The stench of hypocrisy is overwhelming. He doesn’t want to actually help poor people– just look as if he does, long enough to get votes. Sums up the whole GOP campaign.

  14. Just saw on the 5 p.m. News with Brian Williams that now they are saying the Soup Kitchen staff knew about and let Lyin’ Ryan in and actually LEFT some dirty dishes so he could look like he was doing something useful.

    So … just another incidence of trying to figure out where the truth actually lies.

  15. All hat, no cattle. Same story, different cast members. It’s not the substance, y’all, it’s the appearance of substance. My grandfather was a Republican. I wonder what he would say about this “party” today. Do they have some secret out-sleaze each other competition going on that the rest of the country has not been let in on? Sort of a weird frat boy initiation thing?
