Hey, At Least All The Spelling Is Correct
Customer Cassy up in McKinney, Texas, put out her certified Obama yardsign.
Here’s what someone did to it.
The uncensored version is here. This is gonna get nasty, y’all. They know they are going to lose, so this is what they do.
It’s like that great American poet Kris Kristofferson said, “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.”
Feelin’ good is good enough for me, Honey.
Thanks to Cassy for the heads up.
Well, back when I was growing up in Big D, we called McKinney “Buddyville” which was a term we used for REDNECK RACISTS. Guess McKinney grew from farmland to upscale REDNECK RACISTS in this instance, anyway. This bunch of REPIGs continue to be the WORST sore losers in the history of America. Sadly pathetic.
1Wow!! I guess your right–they know they are gonna lose, so they resort to playing dirty; wanna bet these folks also consider themselves as “Christian”?
2The fact that people who do this sort of thing are against Obama is a huge compliment to Obama.
3So in the Republican version of a great America, we’re no longer allowed to display our own yard signs? In our own yards? Doesn’t sound very American to me.
4The frightening part? It’s very affluent, at least most of it.
5This is not only sad. It’s sick.
6Left my usual advice about “High spot blue”
7Look at the sign again. The hater spelled Christian incorrectly.
8I had several of those clowns approach me at the West Tx Fair and Rodeo, while I was anchoring the Taylor County Dems booth. Testosterone seeping from every pore, a little gang of about 5 cowboys tried to pick a fight with me. Snot nosed brats, about 30 years old, and oh so worldly. Probably never traveled more than 500 miles from home… clueless twits. I have friends here in Abilene who had their Obama signs stolen 4 years ago from their yard. Others had them simply knocked over repeatedly. Can Crazy be a 4 letter word?
9Hummmm… most HOAs have a covenant forbidding signs of any kind – commercial or political – in owners’ yards. The covenant is basically a peace-keeping measure so the board doesn’t have to settle disputes kicked off by ever-larger political signs. You still have the freedom to speak & say anything you want out loud though, so maybe the neighbors just stand outside & yell at each other. Soon, very soon, this will all be over.
10I see the dumboass who wrote that considers mitt the twit to be a Christian. Most so-called Christians (for this usage that probably should be lower case) consider Mormonism (LDS) to be a cult. The Mormans have attempted for over 150 years to re-write the history of their “church.” But like most, greed, power and corruption hold sway over all else. I see now they are attempting to ex-communicate members who speak against mitt the twit. What surprises me is they don’t send a modern day Porter Rockwell of the Danites to off the ill-speaker like the old days.
11MizPatti: Thought the “snot nosed brats…clueless twits ” you referred to were in the Presidential race. No? Fits anyway. Compare those twits to the grace and class of our President, who, when visiting with a family with two little boys in the Oval Offic – doesn’t matter the reason – was softly asked by the 5 year old boy “Is your hair like mine?” Obama leaned over close to the boy invited the boy to touch it. The child hesitated, and Obama said “Touch it, Dude”. The child did and Obama asked him what he thought. the child replied, “It’s the same.” That’s class you can’t buy.
12@June Bug: Mitt has a history with hair too. He takes the shears to it and that’s the class you can buy.
13bluechickredbarn has some good things to say. we all should be reading her posts and passing them on.
this post is extremely pertinent, i think:
15Hurray for Mz Patti and all her friends who are busy registering voters in Abilene, Texas! And Patti, tell folks they can buy a couple of pieces of plain magnetic sign material way up Pine Street, I forget the name, but they can write whatever they want on their signs and put them on their cars. Yeah!
16In Austin the TCDP registered something like 650 voters yesterday alone. Hope they all go to the polls and vote for all the Democrats on the ticket. We need more Dems in the Legislature.
How’s y’all’s voter registration coming?
I’m not surprised and actually this isn’t the worst that I’ve seen. As soon as someone starts a conversation with ‘I’m not a racist……or ‘this has nothing to do with color…..’ I know I’m dealing with card carrying racist, bigoted, narrow minded derp. (derp just means stupidity Mama)
17Social media ‘s contribution to humanity appears to be to provide a veil of anonymity for anyone who wishes to say something truly unforgivable . . . . . uncouth, racist, discourteous, ugly, vulgar, stupid, or totally ignorant. It’s too bad that no one has to sign his real name to what he writes. I am keeping an eye out for the white sheets and pointy hats brigade to step out of the shadows and flourish in the wake of this coming election. I don’t believe that the elements of the republican party who are racist and mean it will give up easily.
18And if you’re a democrat in Texas, you might ought to check with the Secretary of State’s office and be sure you haven’t been declared dead. It’s a hassle if you have to prove you’re still alive when you go to vote.
I had a chance in-person encounter a couple of weeks ago with a gomer who couldn’t talk about Obama without using the N-word and dropping the F-bomb about every five words. Turns out he’s an abuser, and his wife has a restraining order against him. Why am I not surprised?
19It’s nothing new with this President. Back when he was a candidate, there was this:
The article reads, in relevant part:
“What immediately caught my eye when we walked in was a standard Obama lawn sign tacked to the back wall. It had been set on fire a few nights ago, one corner now burned off. A volunteer found it while canvassing a local neighborhood. Next to it is a note written by the office staff. It reads: “Why We Fight”.”
Your humble correspondent, daChipster, was the “office staff” who wrote that note.