So They Liked Ole Clint’s Crazy Empty Chair
In fact, they liked it so much that a Republican lynched one in Austin.
Reports a blogger:
Updated 6:28 p.m. I called the homeowner to ask about his display, citing my concerns as a fellow Austinite. He replied, and I quote, “I don’t really give a damn whether it disturbs you or not. You can take [your concerns] and go straight to hell and take Obama with you. I don’t give a sh**. If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.”
I guess he’d been on Rick Perry’s phone call and was just standing his ground.
Thanks to Jacob for the heads up.
At least Bud is out in the open with his problem now.
1I think people should hang more chairs on this guy’s tree; kind of like when someone’s house gets toilet papered. Maybe paint an elephant’s face on the chairs to remind people who owns that idiocy.
3I’d say an elephant’s butt would be more appropriate.
Imaginary Obama gets imaginarily lynched by imaginary American. Imagine that!
4I thought the people in Downstate Virginia were crazy…this an all time high or low depending on how you count it. I read this blog for bemusement, it seldom fails to deliver.
5Never underestimate the power of symbolism. Texans know what this means….According to the Texas State Historical Association, “Texas stands third among the states, after Mississippi and Georgia, in the total number of lynching victims.” All I can say is Vote as if your life depends on it…cause it does!
6I do not miss Texas. I do not miss the South. You folks are very brave to live there, while refusing to join the overwhelming numbers of ignorant racist homophobic Kristo-fascist rednecks. Keep up the good fight. I’ll be cheering you on from very blue Maryland.
7Lynching a black man. nice.
8I suspect the President is safe. This guy, on the other hand, has exposed himself as not only racist and vicious, but as ineffectual. He has to be delusional to think that what he did somehow reflects badly on the President.
9In a sense, this is good. I suspect a lot of people are abandoning the Republican party because they are ashamed of what it has become. This guy is a giant reminder of how shameful they are.
One of President Obama’s advantages is that his adversaries are outrageous. As long as that is the headline, Obama wins.
10If it didn’t specify Austin, I’d have thought that was my old house just off West Little York and Eldridge Pkwy. Same roof line so it’s probably the same floorplan, same tree location in the yard, even the bushes look familiar. Of course if he’s done that in our subdivision, the Lexus-driving Taste Police Officer who represents the Home Owners Association would have sent him a take down notice because furniture is not permitted in the front yard.
11Sorry to disabuse anyone of the notion that crazy only lives in Texas or the South. I am stuck up here in what used to be the Quaker State with a congressman who thinks free birth control is Pearl Harbor and a governor who thinks gas companies are poor suffering entities so he doesn’t tax them but cuts the already puny aid to the disabled and won’t even ensure their caregivers get their minimum wage checks.
12Austin is not the best place to be a bigot. There’ll be consequences.
13The funny thing is, except than the usual “Obama-is-a-Kenyan-socialist-Muslim-gun takin’-other” teabagger claptrap, this guy probably couldn’t even come up with an articulate answer as to why he hates the President so much. Some folks have only their hate to wrap themselves in…
14It could only be more obvious if the bozo tied a hangman’s knot.
15And this is the guy who won the Homeowner’s Association prize for “Yard of the Month.” I hope they see that tacky old folding chair hanging in a tree and tell the guy to give the plaque back and bar him from yard prizes for a month.
(In my opinion, since this is an opinion space, people who win “yard of the month” prizes from Homeowners’ Associations are usually anal, obsessive, rigid, controlling, and hostile. And generally politically conservative. Those of you who have won such prizes may now explain why I’m wrong.)
16@Don A in Pennsyltucky, He’s in a subdivision with restrictions, so it will be interesting to see if the HOA lets it stay. In the newsletter that one of the links leads to they are going on about dog poop in the yard being against the codes. Hey! Maybe there’s an idea there….
17“If you don’t like it, don’t come down my street.”
Wow, his own personal street. He probably thinks he built it all by himself.
18From the Spicewood Estates Newsletter, in which this upstanding citizen was recognized for his yardwork:
I guess he can expect a visit from the not-so-imaginary FBI.
20It won’t last the night.
21He might think it’s his 1st amendment right, but to most people he just looks like a guy you need to keep out of university clock towers, screenings of Batman movies, etc, etc…
22I think his cousin is the Crazy Old Sumbitch who took down the sign.
23This is beyond disgusting. According to Burnt Orange, he’s a 73 year old white man (apparently a very angry one). I hope we can turn Texas blue before he dies because that should do it to the little, if any, heart he has.
24Here’s the latest, he’s a real piece of crap.
25Amen to all the people who have commented. This is one of the most disgusting displays I could ever have imagined. Should someone call him to ask if he’s a Christian? Horrible, just horrible.