Somebody Remind Me – Didn’t Newton Have a Law Like This?

August 07, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It seems to me that I learned something in junior high school about every action having an opposite and equal reaction.

I could be wrong because the energy money boys say that is not true.  Things have changed a lot since junior high school, so I figured that maybe Newton’s Law were repealed by congressional edict.

Apparently not, though.

Using newly available technology, a University of Texas seismologist tracking small earthquakes in the Barnett Shale play area of North Texas has found a correlation between geological disturbances and the sort of injection wells that are associated with hydraulic fracturing, according to research appearing this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Uh huh.  When you inject millions of gallons of water, sand, and God only knows what chemicals into the earth, something is gonna happen.  And it took a University of Texas scientist not on the payroll of the fracking industry to prove it.

But here’s the cool part.

“These small earthquakes aren’t hurting anybody,” Frohlich said. “People hear about a little earthquake and think you’re going to have Haiti or Japan. It’s like a storm: A magnitude 2.5 or 3 earthquake is fun. Maybe something falls off a shelf. It’s just that Texans are not used to earthquakes.”

Oh, wait.  You mean there’s such a thing as a fun earthquake?  I did not know that.  Is that like a fun hurricane?  You know, the kind with no wind and rain.

And I suspect that what is falling off the shelf has something to do with the fun quotient.  If it’s a bunch of slinkys, that might be cool.  I could watch that for a couple of hours.

Do you want to know why I live in Texas with 273 kind of snakes and 270 of them are poisonous, hurricanes that will move your entire house into another zipcode and sometimes 5 or 6 different zipcodes, drought that makes cracks in the ground so deep that if you put your ear to them you can hear Chinese people talking, politicians and oil refineries competing to see who can put more foul crap in the air, two of the Bushs, floods that make Noah’s look like a gully washer, it’s hot enough to melt diamonds, and the rest of the whole world thinks we’re all Rick Perry?  Do you want to know why I live here?  Because there’s no damn earthquakes, that’s why!

I do not want any damn earthquakes, fun or not.

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