Cruz Control

July 30, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it appears that Texas is going to elect a genuine nut case to be United States Senator from the Formerly Great State of Texas, which, of course, will give us a matching set.

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz, a teabagger who Sarah Palin is just ga-ga over, is leading his opponent by 10 points in the GOP primary.

I know I’m going to make my Democratic friends mad for saying this, but we’re trying to get Democrats to vote in the run-off between a certifiably crazy guy who gets into run-offs on name ID alone and a guy who is so boring that he could be substituted for Ritalin.   Paul Sadler is a real nice guy and I voted for him.  It’s difficult to tell what he stands for because it’s hard to hear him above the snoring when he speaks.  On the upside, he is the only sane guy who won’t embarrass the hell out of Texas among all four of them.  There a plus to that nowadays.

My hope is that if Sadler wins, we can get him a speech writer, a person in charge of thank you notes, and a glitter enema.

We will be here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. bringing you up to date results on Tuesday night.  There’s a few other interesting races in Texas and I hope all you foreign correspondents out there will get us the results on those, too.

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0 Comments to “Cruz Control”

  1. I cannot count the amount of “robo-calls” I’ve gotten from folks (I’ve never heard of) asking, begging, pleading, for me to vote for them for ??????? Council Member…. the guy who keeps calling me must be running at large, because my Council Member (thankfully) is still in office. Somebody running for Constable, or whatever….. they leave messages all the time. They remind me to go vote, and they ask for my vote.

    But, I have to say….. since this man (Sadler) decided to run for the United States Senate….. I’ve not gotten one phone call, or one piece of mail from him. He’s a total mystery on what his policies, and positions are….. on anything….. and everything.

    Does he not know???? If you want people to vote for you….. you have to contact them somehow, and ask them to????

    I think it’s going to take a lot more help than “we can get him a speech writer, a person in charge of thank you notes, and a glitter enema.”

    If he doesn’t like people contact, talking to folks, finding out their problems, telling them how he may be can fix them..if they vote for him, and send him to Washington…….. he’s in the wrong business. May take a “personality transplant”.

    How the hell did the Texas Democratic Party come up with this guy? Inquiring minds would really, really like to know.

  2. Beth Francis says:

    JJ, I’ll put my matched set of lunatic Senators up against yours any day. How’d you like walking around knowing that Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul were representing your interests in Washington?

  3. MCPO RET says:

    I noticed that National Review called Ted Cruz a “principled conservative” in their endorsement of him.
    What in heck is a “principled conservative” today?
    Beck? Bachmann? Cantor? Goehmert?
    Maybe if we called Sadler a “principled something,” people would vote for him.

  4. Juanita Jean says:

    Beth Francis – my deepest condolences. Love, Juanita

  5. I just heard a radio ad for Jeff Wentworth calling Donna Campbell “extremist”. It was jarring but effective. I think that the Dems really need to embrace this word and use it as much as possible.

  6. This made me laugh

    “The firm also noted that only 16 percent of the respondents were more likely to vote for a candidate that had been endorsed by Gov. Rick Perry, a Dewhurst supporter, compared to 31 percent who said they would likely follow the lead of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who has endorsed Cruz.”

    So 47% of republicans listen to absolute idiots when voting?


  7. Uncle Dave says:

    Miemaw, my wife, retired supper-salesperson, describe it as asking for the sale. Sadler, and all of our candiadates, need to give voters reasons to choose them and then ask for the sale be urging them to vote.

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    Miemaw, my wife, retired supper-salesperson, describes it as asking for the sale. Sadler, and all of our candiadates, need to give voters reasons to choose them and then ask for the sale be urging them to vote.

  9. If the worst thing that can be said about Sadler is that he’s dull…well, dull can usually be fixed…idiocy can’t.

    The idea of having idiot bookends in the U.S. Senate from Texas – “Calamity John” Cornyn and Ted “Won’t You Let Me Take You On A Sea” Cruz – is just too painful to contemplate.

  10. I guess there are many things to be thankful for. I have only gotten one robo-call this campaign season, and it was from Paul Sadler.

    I voted for him ’cause Juanita Jean she was going to, and I trust her implicitly with ALL my political decisions.

    For those of you who can vote for Rose Meza Harrison (US Congress, D 27)–DO IT! Her opponent, Jerry Trevino, is a tea party plant on the Dem ticket. Rose is a real Democrat! Besides, Jerry, according to his arrests (3) record, may have a little bit of a hard time staying sober. And isn’t that just what we need in Washington–another drunk making decisions for us?

  11. eyesoars says:

    Maybe you mean temazepam (a sedative) or similar, rather than ritalin (a stimulant)?

  12. Ms. JJ, I got myself over to the voting place last Thursday, and I dragged the mister along with me, and we cast our two votes for Paul Sadler.

    Thanks for the reminder last week; we needed it.

    However, here’s what bugs me about all that. I know that Rick Perry’s boy, Dewhurst, is the richest SOB running for the new senatorial position, and, like you said, it appears that Cruz is going to win that Gee Oh Pee spot anyway.

    So, I took a look at Sadler’s web site last week, jus’ cause I could, and I was sad to read that he’s been trying to raise money for his candidacy. It seems that he was pulling for $15,000 by the end of the month “to traverse the state this month and connect with voters in every part of Texas!” and as of TODAY, he’s gotten up to $14,632.

    I don’t doubt that he’s a good man, since you, Ms. JJ., says so, but how in holy hell is he going to beat out the rich SOBs of the Gee Oh Pee, with such limited funding? It’s sad and scary and upsetting…. but, at least, he’s gotten two more votes from the Elsie household.

  13. The Republicans have ads all over the internet, by Ted Cruz, telling people not to vote for a “Moderate” like David Dewhurst. I guess, instead they should vote for an “Extremist” like Ted Cruz.

    And….. in the midst of all this insanity……. we have Paul Sadler……. who I guess finds it….. inconvenient to campaign.

    What a freaking zoo.

    We’ll get either Cruz and Kyl……. or Dewhurst and Kyl.

    What a pair….. to represent the interests of Texas.

    Darned Shame.

  14. Paul Sadler is a great guy and was wonderful in the Texas Legislature. He cares about all the things Democrats do- education, health care, justice, etc. He just doesn’t have any money for effective campaigning. Maybe not having a bunch of money is another plus for him. Please vote for Sadler.

  15. Okay, TWO snort laughs…”…hard to hear him above the snoring”….and “get him a glitter enema”.

    + 200


  16. Rekster says:

    I see no way in the world other than the Rapture happening that a Dem. will win the Senate Seat here in the Lone Star State. With that said, I’m rootin’ for Ted Cruz. It will be entertaining and hilarious.

  17. 1toughlady says:

    Sadler has no chance–he doesn’t have the money and he’s too sane to represent Texas. That said, my husband and I voted for him anyway.
