Yeah, But Only a Trillion of It Belongs To Romney

July 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Come to find out there is $21 trillion in assets that has been lost to global tax havens.  Yeah, Trillion.  Dollars.

And it could be as much as $32 trillion, more than the entire United States economy.  Do you know what comes after a Trillion?  A Gazillion, that’s what.  And you know what comes after that?  Mitt Romney’s bank balance, that’s what.

And this money doesn’t trickle down or create jobs or promoted the general welfare or get you any closer to seeing Mitt Romney’s tax returns.

I need you to trust me on this:  “You people” have not been given all you need to know.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads-up and the snide comment about only one trillion of it being Romney’s.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, But Only a Trillion of It Belongs To Romney”

  1. It’s a sad state of affairs for the US, and the rest of the world. “We people” keep paying, losing jobs, sacrificing so that the JOB CREATORS (WHAT BUNCH OF BS) can continue to use their “free market” to amass beyond-fortunes………to the good of only themselves.

    Of course GOD is on their side…..just ask ’em.

  2. Rev. Bill McIntyre says:

    I wondered after 10 years of W’s tax cuts where that money went. Certainly didn’t go for jobs in America, maybe overseas.

  3. Is this the first time in US history that a candidate for prez has shipped a gazillion of our jobs overseas, keeps his money in so many foreign countries we cannot count them on one hand,uses every trick in the book to avoid US taxes, and refuses to show his tax returns, little old Anne says ‘you people have seen all you are going to see’, before she runs off to fly her dancing horse to London.In the meantime, to the disgust to many in the Brit parliament Mittens is going to fundraise in London with the Barclays people and other bankers who created the big banking scandal that is taking over the world. Sorry – rant over

  4. MCPO RET says:

    Rant not over. I think you will find that Mittens also writes his “tithes” off his taxes.
    Such a nice man.

  5. gabberflasted says:

    Social misfit that I am, I suspect that ALL Romney’s charitable giving is in the form of tithing. Tax exempt churches, indeed.

  6. Joan, Amen sister! MCPO, you are correct, Mittens tithes 10% of his money to the Mormon church as required by the church. Interesting that Ann, or is that Antoinette (?), says that is exactly how much he gives to charity each year. I begin to wonder if his failure to release tax returns is an effort to hide from the IRS, the Mormon Church, or just the American people – aka you people.

    How about one more chorus of “we need to rewrite the damn tax code!”

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Maybe this is some of the reason why someone running for President won’t release his tax returns. I’m sure he did nothing illegal but with tax codes written to favor the so-called ‘job creators’ who needs to cheat? His latest excuse is that he’s not going to do it because the president’s campaign undoubtedly will use something therein for their “opposition research” which is tantamount to admitting that there is something he wants desperately to keep hidden from “the help”.

  8. There is an economics blogger, Dan Shaviro, (a brilliant guy, who operates on another plane of existence than anyone other than possibly Brad DeLong or Paul Krugman) who has an interesting take on this. Check out his story: on Friday: 2010 Romney tax return story, then read More possibilities re. the Swiss bank account

    It is worth the read.

  9. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @Deb: With all due respect, I think you don’t have to be a Krugmanesque economic thinker to understand that ratholing cash money outside the borders of the USofA is an all around bad thing. It”s the kind of thinking drug dealers get into because they have sooo much cash money laying about and fear and distrust local banks and bankers. It’s not a good plan for them to store their money close by to where they “made” it. Hmmm maybe Willard needs some distance between where he “made” his money and where he stows it too.

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’m think Rmoney has promised, if elected, to do a no penalty/no back tax repatriation of offshore monies for his rich friends. $20+trillion? That’s alot of unpaid taxes.

  11. “what comes after a Trillion? A Gazillion”
    I have to disagree with you. If I learned anything from W it was Brazilians is the next coma to the left after trillions
