So We Took Louie Out of Context? And What Context Would That Be? Drunk and Disorderly?

July 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert says we took his comments about the Superiority of Super DeLux Brand Christians out of context.

Exactly what context does one blame a shooting on “ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs”?  Is there a context for that meaning the exact opposite?  Or maybe, “Oh, I really mean was that ‘eggplants are a great source of Vitamin C?'”

But, Louie came real close to apologizing.  He pretty much says he wasn’t prepared for an interview on this subject because his radio interview had been scheduled long before the shooting.  I think that means that it takes  Louie quite a while to come up with something sane to say.

Here’s as close as he could come to apologizing —

Such devastation fills our hearts with sympathy making us want to hug our family and that should have been the extent of my comments.

And later —

I am very sorry if my comments caused heartache to anyone in Colorado.

Not Texas, not America, not Earth – just Colorado.

And, Louie, how about your outrageous comments in that same interview about military suicides only being done by the 2% of atheist in the military?  Do you think that causes heartache to families?  I guess not.

David says Louie had some hot sauce on his crow.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “So We Took Louie Out of Context? And What Context Would That Be? Drunk and Disorderly?”

  1. I can think of some other places for Loonie Louies hot sauce besides his crow.

  2. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Oh my… So Louie Lou-eye’s crocodile mouth has overloaded his hummingbird ******* and he has had a moment of humanity? Doubt it.

  3. Louie is an object lesson in a great truth: that the baud rate of the mouth ought not to exceed the baud rate of the mind. In Louie’s case, this means he should never say anything.

  4. These types would advocate stocks and pillory if it were anybody but themselves.

  5. Frepportguy says:

    The only few times Gohmert’s words are taken out of context and distorted from their true meaning is when…they sound sane, rational and reasonable!

  6. Charly,

    I advocated for Gomer to be “gagged and put in stocks in the public square” last Friday immediately after taking him “in context” – there were many RTs of my remarks on the Twitter machine~all of them positive~tyvm.

  7. Now, now.

    Bless his heart…. I read ol’ Gomer’s remarks and decided that he is completely correct, if you just take his words for what they really are:

    “I am very sorry…”


    He’s just about the sorriest piece of caca de toro in Congress today.

  8. daChipster says:

    There’s only one context where Louie makes sense: Looney Toons! “Shhhh, be vewwy vewwy quiet. I’m hunting Muzwims.”

  9. Lorraine in Spring says:


    “the baud rate of the mouth ought not to exceed the baud rate of the mind”

    Is that the 2012 version of:

    “Crazzzy Uncle Louie got out again. Someone go find him before he opens his mouth & hurts himself again.” ?
