Not So Much In Charlotte, North Carolina

July 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, the Republicans are hitting town in Tampa, Florida.  And the first people to get ready for them?


Strip clubs may not be the most politically correct venue for those attending the Republican National Convention, but that doesn’t mean Tampa’s well-known adult hot spots won’t be ready for the influx of visitors.

One place is bringing in a stripper who looks like former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. There are major renovations taking place. And some nude clubs have already been giving potential customers a taste of the talent online.

“Not only can you see the dancers on the stage and in the dressing room, you can also talk to them in an online chat room,” said Don Kleinhans, owner of the 2001 Odyssey on North Dale Mabry Highway.

It’s good to know that the working bubble dancin’ ladies in their birthday suits will take Republican money and vote Democratic.

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Not So Much In Charlotte, North Carolina”

  1. Bo Leeyeau says:

    They’ll be “creating jobs” down by the bay. One dance, one dollar in the G-string, one job created. Boosting the economy like a Republican.

  2. Sam in Kyle says:

    Huge difference between those who have sex for money and those who prostitute their morality. I’ll take the street morality of hookers over the faux-Christian morality of TEA Partiers any time.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I hope the ladies use double protection. Heaven only knows what’s they might catch from those Repubs.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I hope the ladies use double protection. Heaven only knows what they might catch from those Repubs.

  5. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Can we afford to take the club’s word that the stripper that looks like Sarah Palin is really just a stripper that looks like Sarah Palin? Is anybody checking her birth certificate?

  6. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Sorry for the double post. I guess my fingers are tingling at the thought of post Repub STD-A-Thon stories.

  7. Just as point of fact, my adopted home town is gearing up for the DNC in that context as well.

  8. I have no problem with the strippers – but think it is a little hypocritical of the party of FAMILY VALUES to attend.

  9. daChipster says:

    Ybor City – woo! I attended a conference in Tampa once and my hotel was in Ybor. They close down the streets on Friday and Saturday night. You can sit on the balconies and drink and watch the masses of humanity in all their crass grandeur surge to and fro. Funny, none of them SEEMED Republican at the time.

  10. What? You want the delegates to listen to speeches filled with two-faced double standards by day, and then not engage in two-faced double standards by night?

  11. My husband’s former boss was good friends with one of Kansas City’s top Madams, they went to school together (as a side note, she was a lovely lady). She said that when the Republican’s came to town she had to pull in extra help to handle the increased demand. I asked her about the Democrats and she said, in her best throaty voice, “Dah-lin, Dem’s don’t have to PAY for sex, Republican’s do. Side’s they have all those kinky little de-sires that are just hard to get filled back home, don’t cha know?”

    Lovely woman.

  12. Rentboy is going to have to bring in extra help, also – otherwise there will be fighting over the availabilty.

  13. cairocat says:

    @Deb Madame’s comment reminds me of Joan Mondale’s swift response when asked about a Democratic Congressman who had his girlfriend on the office payroll (cairo sighs for the days of such garden variety scandals).
    “Democrats do it to their secretaries; Republicans do it to the country.”

  14. And in light of the recent events and the (lack of ) gun laws should be an interesting convention.
    Deb, I like your information from the madam.

  15. Well I, for one, hope all those hard-working young ladies make lots and lots of money off those Regressives.

  16. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    I suppose I should be pleased that my hard earned taxes will be spent propping up the local Tampa economy.

  17. Kay Carrasco says:

    This sentence: *One place is bringing in a stripper who looks like former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin* followed by this sentence: *There are major renovations taking place* just made me think, “Huh, wha…? They had to renovate the stripper to make her look like Palin?” I think it’s been too long a day and I shouldn’t’ve skipped dinner…..
