Worth a Thousand Words

July 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Click the little one to see the big one.

Thanks to Cal for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Worth a Thousand Words”

  1. I see Louie has a problem with curbing his enthusiasm for the total disdain he must be feeling over the tragedy that happened here in Colorado! What a pitiful sack of worthless bones!

  2. Thank you so much for posting this. We need to be reminded of what true leadership is and what it’s like to be in touch with humanity. God’s mercy on those folks in Colorado…

  3. Since people who knew the young man have said he was active in his church, I sort of see a different relation between Christianity and mass murder than Gohmer does, but then maybe I just don’t understand how that works…

  4. Sam in Kyle says:

    When I was on Louie’s Facebook page yesterday there was no mention of his latest gaffes. What a hypocritical POS!

  5. Janice Stewart says:

    Gees, having those two pictures side by side – did the earth shake when you did it? Was your computer “rent in twain?”
    Louie Gohmert is an embarrassment to all those who walk upright. President Obama is a true, intelligent, kind gentleman. It’s a shame he has to deal with jack donkeys like Louie.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Blessings on our president and on his family. May they be safe from all harm.

  7. June Bug says:

    It’s no contest between World Class and East Texas. Poor Louie, he doesn’t even know the difference. I’m embarassed for him and I don’t even like him.

  8. I wish I knew what aggravated Gohmert’s pyles to make him become such a pain in the butt.

  9. I wish I knew what aggravated Gohmert’s pyles to make him such a pain in the butt.

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Louie Gohmert: The hate is strong in this one.

    I feel bad for all the good, kind folks in Texas that Louie has a microphone. Doesn’t he realize he’s making things harder for the State Visitors Bureau?

  11. mollusk says:

    I think there might be some accidental truth in here, when Louie talks (with what can be taken as a Royal We) about being at war with the foundation of the country.

  12. Gohmert says his comments were taken out of context. Sure! I’m a Tyler native and lived over half my 68 years in N.E Texas. People like Gohmert, who as you know ran unopposed in the last election, are the main reason I no longer live there. See this link from the Tyler paper:

  13. It’s a recycled W joke but here goes –

    Louie Gohmert is so dense LIGHT can’t escape him.

  14. The context of Louie’s comments were that there was a microphone in front of his mouth and his brain had no control over his vocal cords.
