Well, Lookie Here. The Pot is Calling the Kettle Addled.

July 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt in 1994.

As the Boston Globe reported, back on April 19, 1994: “With the tax-filing deadline looming, Republican Senate candidate Mitt Romney yesterday challenged Sen. Edward M. Kennedy to disclose his state and federal taxes to prove he has ’nothing to hide’…”

But, you know, the world has changed a lot since 1994.  Politicians are no longer crooked, it’s now legal to cheat on your taxes, and Sheryl Crow discovered that wasn’t all she wanted to do.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, Lookie Here. The Pot is Calling the Kettle Addled.”

  1. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    So Willard has done this all before. Run against an incumbent Dem. Got into a brouhaha about his employment relationship to Bain. Then, he tried to use income taxes as a hammer against his opponent. Today finds himself being hammered by his failure to be forthcoming about his own income taxes. And how did all that work out for him in 1994? According to what I just read, he lost 58% to 41%. And Senator Kennedy stayed Senator Kennedy for another 15 years. Can’t you just see Willard’s history repeating itself in November 2012? I can. Will Obama get more than the 365 electoral votes he got in 2008? I can’t wait for the early morning after election day!

  2. Marlene says:

    OK his returns must involve something really awful because he had to know he had to release his records something kinky perhaps – involved with drug dealers, I mean people have said (Fox’s favorite line) it does – all he has to do is trot them returns out otherwise gee, maybe he owns a film company operating in So. California suburbs that are used as martial aids (I’m sure, just ask Ann, he’s pure as the driven snow), just saying it might be why.

    So next question is if he is ticked this is an issue perhaps he’s pretty dumb actually – having worked in Corporate America 40+ years I have always felt owners of companies like Bain or the ones who “manage” are often the dumbest – many get their jobs because of family money (Hi Mitt, Hi W, Hi Cheney) but actually have very little to offer. The ones worth repeating are the ones who actually produce a product. Buffett is the only guy I know who isn’t that way but then he’s from Nebraska and doesn’t buy into his own hype.

    St. Mike — from your lips to God’s ear — I hope your prediction is right – and we take both houses by wide margin.

  3. Marlene says:

    Susan – I mean marital (didn’t I?) above.

  4. aggieland liz says:

    @ Marlene some people feel pretty martial about ’em! And I like Mike’s promotion from Sgt to St too! This is more fun than the earlier posts comment sections!

  5. Elise Von Holten says:

    My ex-boyfriend used to work out of a company based in Utah, so he had to travel there often–he was a statistics addict, and one of the things he researched was all the porn that was viewed in that great state–so Marlene might not be far off in her assessment…just saying that turning down a huge money making production would be out of character for Mittens, with a built in audience and all…

  6. check out the Vanity Fair article about Mittens’ money, where it is, how much, etc.

  7. There was a delicious quote on NPR yesterday from that same senatorial campaign:

    “The blind trust is an age-old ruse, if you will,” Romney said. “Which is to say, you can always tell a blind trust what it can and cannot do.”

    His own money, of course, now being in a blind trust.

    Ah, the power of hypocrisy.
