Y’all Somebody Has To Break It To Him

June 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ron Paul is like your dotty old Uncle Melvin who sits on the front row of the Baptist Church every Sunday and Hallelujahs! every mention of demon rum and then goes home and drinks a bottle of “cough syrup” before he goes to bed.

Ron Paul: Getting high on the cough syrup

Ron Paul gladly takes his social security.  Yep, the same social security he claims is unconstitutional and that I should feel real bad about taking.

You know, I used to say that it’s easy to be an ideologically pure Looneytarian, until, of course, you have to govern.  Apparently, I was wrong.  It’s easy to be an ideologically pure Looneytarian as long as it doesn’t apply to you.

“Just as I use the post office, I use government highways, I use the banks, I use the federal reserve system, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work to remove this in the same way on Social Security,” the Texas congressman said.

Wait, wait.  He uses the government highways?  No, Dude, you gotta walk.  I mean, that’s only right.

However, I do hope that dotty old Uncle Melvin and Ron Paul take over the GOP convention.  Hey, what’s one more greedy hypocrite to that bunch?

Thanks to all of you who gave me the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Y’all Somebody Has To Break It To Him”

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    Darn J.J., next thing you’re gonna tell us Ron Paul takes advantage of the perks congressvermin vote for themselves, like better medical care and retirement than most of us get. Won’t you leave us a few illusions?

  2. Ron also supports a number of family members from his campaign cash. He’s a super pig at the governmental trough.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Banks? Post Office? Ah, no. Let him buy a mattress and some carrier pigeons. And if I see him driving down the road, I’m gonna drive really, really, really slow in front of him the whole way. Really slow.

  4. Oh Lorraine that is one scary though, that man behind the wheel of a car. I did not know they let crazy people drive, thought they just kept them in the rocker on the front porch, or in his case the back porch.

  5. ks sunflower says:

    Just goes to show, you can be educated and still be dumb as a stump if you are not self-aware or refuse to objectively review what you believe.

    Hypocrite is one word that comes to mind whenever I hear Ron Paul’s name. Looney, irresponsible, callous, contentious, clueless, and just plain selfish are others.

    Please tell me that he is more the exception than the rule when it comes to citizens of Texas. Please, please, please – it is a big state, after all, and we Northerners hear that y’all carry guns more than we do. I’d hate to think that someone as nutsy as Paul is packing.

  6. Not only is he a loon, but he and his wife reproduced, and now I’m stuck with Rand Paul as my Senator. Him and Mitch McConnell. I thought when I lefr Alabama I had left the right wingnuts behind, but here I sit in a big ole nest of them all over again. The only good thing is that at least I”m not related to any of these up here.

  7. I frankly cannot wait to watch the havoc the Ron Paul folks are gonna cause at the GOP National Convention…. as for Looney Toons…. most of the GOP Congressmen from Texas are Looney Toons. Every damned one of them.

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    Sunflower, sadly Ron Paul is not even a finalist for sorriest Texas Republican, because, despite being looney and hypocritical, he ranks way down the list on meanness. Think Rick Perry mean and multiply him by a depressingly large number of ugly mean, fanatical, right winger, political whores.
