Why I Love Texas

June 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Storytelling is an art form in Texas.

(Momma, don’t watch.  It has the poop bad word in it.)

Thanks to Diane for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Why I Love Texas”

  1. Why is it, that so many people from Texas think the perfect plan always has to start with shock & awe? And then the rest of us, just minding our own business end up covered with their…

  2. Janice Stewart says:

    Love it. Old men and their funny stories – one of the things I miss most about home (Texas.) Even funnier than the stories themselves is the enjoyment they get out of telling them.

  3. You should also warn people to put down any liquid they are drinking, lest they anoint their keyboard and screen.

    Having had a somewhat pyrotechnic youth, I can truly picture what happened. I expect it will be a while before I stop breaking out in giggles.

    My thanks to whomever filmed this, and to you for posting it.

  4. fenway fran says:

    It was SO worth watching the whole thang, and laughing out loud! Nobody tells a story like an old Texas guy. Thanks, JJ.

  5. LucyTooners says:

    This is highlarious – love those old story tellers. The sad part is I believe this could happen. Trying to save a few bucks on getting the septic tank emptied he blew up the house – way to go Einstien.

  6. Lucy, it probably is true with a little embellishment. Having been born and raised in Texas, I can tell you there are a lot of old hard-headed men, who won’t take advice from anyone. They learn the hard way.

  7. Okie girl says:

    Love this! I remember my Grandaddy and his buddies sitting around telling stories. I could listen for hours when I was a kid. He had a funny one about some boys turning over his outhouse one Halloween! I sure miss those ol’ boys!

  8. Ah’m telling y’all, I believe every word he said in that story because my mama had a last husband and brother in law out in West Texas who were cut from the same cloth as these men. Matter of fact, the storyteller looks am awful lot like Pops anyway. Laughed so hard I scared Dingbat and still giggling. Thanks!!!

  9. What is also funny is the guy sitting to his left. You can tell this guy has heard that story about 500 times.

  10. There’s nothing better than an old time Texas accent. It would be a shame not to preserve it for posterity. Many thanks to the film maker.

  11. Thank you so much for posting this story link. I laughed until I cried. Instantly, I was transported through six decades to my great-uncle’s family in western Hill County. Uncle Sid, like the man in the video, was a superb storyteller. I started taking notes when he told family stories. Those notes formed the basis for my sister’s genealogical research on our ancestors.

    After they finish giggling, I hope some people will be inspired to videotape their older relatives who have stories to tell. If they don’t want to be in the picture, turn on the recorder on your smart phone. Oral history departments used to compile such stories; now, YouTube preserves the memories. However it is done, the important thing is to keep the storytelling alive.

  12. Now that’s some funny S*** rite dar!


  13. “I know what I’m doing”– right up there with “Hold my beer and watch this.”

    He reminded me of some of my Virginia relatives. The storyteller, not the guy who… well, maybe him too, some of them.

  14. Reminds me of sitting on the porch listening to my grandpa.
    Old Alabama. And because my grandma was sanctified we actually imagined we could hear her cringe inside the house when his story telling language got a bit blue.

    I loved this.

  15. Kath the Scrappy says:

    What a fantastic story teller & story. Can’t wait to have my kid Sis watch.

    I was cringing, just KNOWING what was bound to happen – and it did!

  16. virginia Mary says:

    ahahahahahaaa! I’ve heard a million stories in this style over the years and I’ve loved every one of them. Thank you for the smile!

  17. virginia Mary says:

    Shared on FB, my friend!
