Listen Up UPDATED and UPDATED Some More When I Fixed the Damn Link

June 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, ole Bubba and I were sitting around tonight watching Lawrence O’Donnell.

Lawrence started reading something about decriminalization of marijuana and Ole Bubba says, “Well hell, it sounds like Lawrence stole my words in the state Democratic platform.”

I’ll be damned. Come to find out, that was exactly what Lawrence O’Donnell was reading. He was reading from the Texas Democratic platform!

If y’all saw that on the electric teevee on The Last Word, Bubba wrote it and got it passed.

Here ya go, watch it for yourself!


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0 Comments to “Listen Up UPDATED and UPDATED Some More When I Fixed the Damn Link”

  1. Very cool . . . .Go Bubba!

  2. And it was great verbiage!

  3. Haven’t touched the stuff in three decades…just too much to lose. I hope it makes it to the national platform. It’s about time.

  4. Great Job there Bubba. It’s gonna happen in Colorado soon….

  5. Wow, that was nice! Way to go, Bubba! It was a very impressive speech. I applaud you…and the Texas Democrats.

  6. He may be on to something with this whole “Democrats should stand for something” platform idea. Good work!

  7. Gramiam says:

    Go on with your bad self, Bubba. We are so proud to know you. “ere!

  8. daChipster says:

    I myself was watching Lawrence last night when he began this segment, and I turned to daMrs and said, “That’s Texas, that’s the Texas Dems.” daMrs rolled her eyes because she’s had more than enough of me predicting what’s about to happen on a TV show only to find out that it was the pope’s butler all along. But in this case, I had inside info.

    I described Bubba’s role in the whole thing, emphasizing how MARRIED he is to our peerless, fearless leader. I try to emphasize that a lot, because daMrs has a sneaking suspicion I’m having a fling with someone named Susan, or someone named Juanita Jean, or maybe both at the same time.

    I was hoping he’d segue to “Joining us from Texas is Bubba…” but that was too cool to have been. It was cool enough as it was – Congrats to Bubba!

  9. This was some great coverage for the Texas Democratic Party. Don did a great job here.

  10. MCPO RET says:

    I’ve read the Texas Democratic platform and I think we should post excerpts on billboards with “vote democrat in November” in bold letters all over the state.
    Good job Bubba and all.

  11. Like daChipster, I was watching Lawrence last night and knew right way that he was talking about the Texas Democrats. That’s because I frequent the best news source in the US of A, TWMDBS! Susan and Bubba, you are the best.

  12. Bo Leeyeau says:

    You da man

  13. I saw the whole thing and was not surprised he was talking about Texas. I had the honor of serving on the permanent platform committee following Bubba’s amazing work. I must say, the draft we got was heart breaking in its beauty and progressive ideas. My congratulations to the enormous amount of hardwork that Bubba and the team put in. I’m very proud that Lawrence recognized the work of Texas Dems.

  14. My husband and I are both smitten with Juanita / Susan and have made a pact not to become jealous over each others pronouncements of, “I just LOVE that woman!” Now we will also have to make a pact not to get stressed out over the words, “Damn, that Bubba Rocks!” Way to go you two, you have become the dynamic duo!

  15. Way to go, Juanita Jean and Bubba.

    Now….. if we could somehow get it on a ballot…… somehow.

    I see, in Houston, because a lot of folks like the salary and benefits of serving on Houston City Council…. they want to extend the existing term limits….from two to four years. Local paper says it will be on the ballot…. (in the fall). I gotta tell you…… it scares the peewaddlinscootin’ out of me …. to think that most of those folks will be in office ….. one more minute…. than is now mandated.

  16. That’s absolutely amazing. Just to be clear, I never have used marijuana, just like I don’t drink nor smoke, but the practice of making criminals out of the people that choose to smoke pot is rediculous. As is the way that we are helping the drug cartels destroy Mexico. Just get over it, let people use it, regulate and tax it but quit sending people to jail over it. Thanks, Bubba, for your brilliance.

  17. Saw it live. Way cool! I’ll bet it surprised a great number of people.

  18. JJ, of course, I saw it, loved it, and Lawrence gave credit to the Texas Dems, so I will tweet this to Lawrence and let him know that it was all Bubba~Lawrence might even mention Bubba by name, what a hoot~

    Actually, when I was 15 yro, I truly believed that marihoochie would be legalized by the time I was 20~now being 58-1/2, it is ABOUT DAYUM TIME this was put into a Dem platform, it should be on the Democratic NATIONAL platform!

  19. I saw that! Woo hoo! I’ll be watching tonight to see if he goes on to give credit where credit is due.
