
June 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today is Juneteenth in Texas.   Read a little about it and remember that freedom is often delayed for too many people.

Juneteenth is reason of celebration in Texas.

Thanks to Dianne for the very cool website.

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0 Comments to “Juneteenth”

  1. fleeting expletive says:

    Yay! I used to live a block away from a large park where the Juneteenth celebrations would last all day, with live bands and food and lots of dancing. I loved it.

  2. Thanks Juanita. We don’t celebrate Juneteenth here in the part of Ohio I live in–at least, no one I know does—so maybe I just don’t know enough interesting and knowledgable people.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    We celebrate Juneteenth in DC.

  4. There has been a Juneteenth celebration in San Jose for years. It’s not very big, but there aren’t a lot of African-Americans in San Jose. This year, it was held in Caesar Chavez Park downtown.

  5. Janice Stewart says:

    It’s a great day in Texas.
