Libertarians Are Just Republicans Who Smoke Pot

June 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ron Paul and his merry band of Looneytarians are threatening to take over the Republican National Convention.

And what fun would that be!

I saw a headline the other day that said, “Ron Paul Delegates Are Revolting!”  Hummm … is that an adjective or a verb?

I have my serious doubts about them causing trouble at the GOP convention.  I do.  For the most part, they are immature and too damn lazy to do much of anything.  That’s why the “Ron Paul Revolution” never got off the ground.  A revolution requires organizing and these guys are loners living in a cabin in the woods.  If they could actually get along with other people, they wouldn’t be Libertarians.

Republicans are Libertarians with a few social skills, less erectile dysfunction, and a whole lot of JesusHollerin’.  Libertarians are 50 year old men who make fart jokes and laugh like the dickens –  while they are alone.  You know, I might be wrong about that erectile dysfunction.  I kinda think both of them have that.  Fortunately, they have women who don’t mind.

I am not counting on a big fight at the GOP convention.  But, I hope I’m wrong.  I really do.

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0 Comments to “Libertarians Are Just Republicans Who Smoke Pot”

  1. Bo Leeyeau says:

    It’s like rasslin’. You know it’s fixed but it’s still fun to watch.

  2. You could only wish that Ron Paul delegates would be high on pot.

    It would almost make them human.

  3. They might get it together this year for trouble, at least. They have already had some good times in a number of state conventions. A good tussle that leaves everybody mad at someone else would be about right.

  4. Fred Farklestone says:

    How can ever forget this classic you-tube video with Hannity being chased by Ron Paul supporters?

  5. Thanks, Fred. I hadn’t seen that footage before. What a prince, that Hannity – not. I see he had some flunkey soothing him and a blonde woman pulling rearguard duty while he was skedaddling. Run, Sean, run.

    I would be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for a big shakeup at the RNC in Tampa. I would enjoy Willard being passed over for the nomination.

  6. TexasEllen says:

    If Rand Paul gets a speaking position at the convention (likely Ron is having his last hoorah) he could pose a Buchananesque problem…..the base and the Libertarians love it and the “grown ups” are appalled. Pass the popcorn.
