Close, But Still No Taco

June 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican Party is kinda funny.  They try hard but they never quite “get it.”

Remember when Sharron Angle, who ran for the Senate against Harry Reid, told Hispanic students that they “looked Asian?”

Well, Republicans are still having trouble with that.

They got themselves a Hispanic website to try to convince Hispanics to vote Republican even though the GOP deeply hates Hispanics.  Hey, I give them an A for trying.  And an F for failing.

See those adorable kiddos in the upper left hand corner?  Adorable, aren’t they?  Except they are not Hispanic.  They are Asian.  It’s a stock photo clearly marked Asian.

They re-did the website with no pictures.  God love ‘um.  At least they know when to quit.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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