The Problem With Being Married To Rush Is That Eventually You Have To Go To Bed

June 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

All that money.  All that big ole house where you probably don’t even have to see him if you don’t want to.

Can you even imagine how bad he must be at mattress thrashing for wife #4 to walk out?

Hey, it’s in the National Enquirer.  Who am I to question that?

Thanks to Marge for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “The Problem With Being Married To Rush Is That Eventually You Have To Go To Bed”

  1. Here’s hoping that the National Enquirer has it right.

    I can’t imagine, I just cannot imagine being married to someone with that little respect for half (or more) of the nation’s population (even the world’s population!)!

    Thanks for sharing this; much appreciated!

  2. I think that was just some PR person advising Rush what the appropriate spousal response from his wife should be. I don’t think she really lives with him anyway. Supposedly she just shops a lot with her mother in Hawaii and lives in a separate house on his compound.

    I see no mattress play between these two. But I’ll bet she got a huge prenup amount not to talk–when she does indeed walk
    away from that sewage drain of a man.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’m a firm believer that there’s someone for everyone so, if she chose to marry that disgusting bag of hate, that’s her business.

    Remember, marrying for money is a job and you’ll never work harder in your life.

    National Enquirer….teehee

  4. Aghast Independent says:

    Lorraine – my wife puts it differently. She says ” there is a lid for every trash can.”. I guess that is a good thing, or the world would stink worse than it already does!!!!

  5. My very first, and probably last time to read “The National Inquirer”.

    Hopefully the pre-nup she signed….. still leaves her with something…

    How does he (Rush Limbaugh) think …… that when he bashes women….. and calls them “sluts”…. that it totally INCLUDES his own wife?

    Wait….. Rush think???? Nah.

  6. Oh, Juanita Jean, I didn’t need THAT image so early in the day! Or any other time, come to think of it.

  7. daChipster says:

    The Apocryphal Death of Tsaritsa Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, springs to mind.

  8. Elise Von Holten says:

    Ya know Bonobo chimps use sex as a soothing mechanism for everything, constantly, always…infants on up–all variations that are possible. When I look at most of the Republican men, I just think they need a great dead of Bonoboing–I just can’t seem to see who (any, ever) of human females (or males) would be willing to be that kind to them… and when I see the prissy unsatisfied mouths on some older women, well, it scares me big time.
    I prefer going around with a grin and happiness–I feel really bad for the crabby pants that are out there…not bad enough to volunteer or sacrifice anyone I know for the cause, but I do feel sad for them…ruthless and mean must be lonely bedfellows

  9. gidget commando says:

    daChipster, you’re SO going to h-e-double-toothpicks.

    Save me a seat, will ya? We’ll have a right blast. All the fun people will be there.

  10. The title should be: “The Problem With Being Married To Rush Is That Eventually You Run out of Alcohol”.

  11. oldy moldy says:

    im not sure that i want to say ugly things about people in public. BUT!, what sort of woman would marry this bone head intentionally?
    surely she knew who he was before she got into this. no doubt she had some grasp of his bank account balances and will certainly walk out of this soon and never have to plan another florida event again!

  12. Rush Limbaugh is the cloaca maxima through which all right-wing rhetorical effluent passes.

    Vigorous aeration, microbial action, and strong sunlight will eventually decompose the most persistent sewage and render it harmless to the public waterways.

    In the meantime, to prevent intrusive sewer gases from fouling the air in your home, keep your plumbing traps topped-off with clean, fresh water.

  13. Timbo, unfortunately Rush is not simply sewage. Yes, sewage is eventually rendered harmless and even useful. Rush, however, is toxic waste of the Chernobyl variety.

  14. A new form of birth control discovered.

    Thinking about rush limbaugh having sex. Ewwww!

  15. BarbinDC says:

    @Diane: Yes, one starts to think kindly of life in convents, where this subject never comes up. Lorraine in Spring upthread beat me to the punch: If you marry for money, it will be the hardest job you’ve ever had. I’d rather beg on the streets than have to sleep with that drug-addled gasbag.

  16. lifetimestudent says:

    Now, now…y’all know it’s all those “gays” entering into Holy Matrimony against all the laws of God, as interpreted by Brother Love at ‘The Church of All That God Created, Except Homosexshuls’ that is destroying poor Rush’s marriage. He has been doing his level best to warn us that such an affront to God and Baby Jesus would mean the end of marriage, and possibly the whole world, as we know it and here we have this poor soul maybe losing the fourth love of his life who he promises to love and be faithful to, at least until a couple of weeks before the bonus clause in her pre-nup kicks in.

  17. A dear friend of mine who never has a bad word to say about anyone was speechless with shuddering disgust when she found out that Rush was married. Ever. Even once.

    The ex-wife of a prominent British politician of some years back said that sex with him was like having a large wardrobe fall on top of you with a tiny key in the lock….

  18. Sam in Pearland says:

    daChipster, there are some things that a horse won’t do.

  19. JumpinJimmy says:

    As a conservative, I still havent figured out why people still listen to Lush. When Bush was destroying this country he sat quite and told us everything was peachy. If he had called out all of our sellout politicians it would have been a bit more palatable. Many on both sides have been co-opted by the same special interests yet he is silent when it comes to repubs. He is irrelevant.

    Remember folks, the wife made a deal with the devil.

  20. “She said she’s become a social pariah because of his hot-headed, heedless comments and warned him in no uncertain terms that he’d better keep his trap shut and stop using words like ‘slut’ for any woman!”

    Hmm… Who did she think she was marrying?

    Oh Rhea – I laughed so hard I cried – and then copied your comment and sent it to my friends.

  21. Deb, the best part is that, for some time after that remark became public, people– especially women– would greet that politician by making little key-turning motions.

  22. Rolling on the floor laughing she said, “I hear you Rush, click, click, click, click!”

    I am so ashamed….

    And Juanita if you don’t want to print that I so understand!
