Ponder On This

June 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Can you even imagine the hysteria if President Obama replaced the flag of the United States of America at the outside door of his office with a flag of some personal meaning to him.

Say, even Moultrie Flag that was flown during the Revolutionary War?  Or maybe the Hawaiian flag?

No, no, think about that.  Good Lord, Sean Hannity would eat his own hair on live teevee.  Rush Limbaugh would pee his pants and Bill O’Reilly would accidentally stick his thumb in his eye while waving around wildly.  The entire Fox Network would start glowing in the dark like a Geiger counter and Karl Rove would move for impeachment.

So, anybody hear crickets?

Yep, That right there is a picture of Michele Bachmann standing outside her office, having removed the flag of the United States of America and replaced it with The Gadsden Flag.

She tweeted, “I’m pleased to have Gadsden Flag outside my office. I remain committed to reducing size/scope of federal gov.”

Yo, Crazy Woman, that is not your office.  That office belongs to the citizens of the United States of America.  What are you going to do next, replace all the paintings of George Washington with photos of Justin Berber? Are you crazy?

Oops, I got carried away and poked my own eye.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ponder On This”

  1. To her I’d ask the same thing I ask people flying the Confederate flag- Why do you hate America?

  2. lifetimestudent says:

    I just found you a few months ago and now I must check in to the MDBS first thing in morning and last thing at night. You have to promise me that you are eating your vegetables, getting enough sleep and enough exercise, and taking any medication your doctor has prescribed because I don’t think I could make through November if something happened to you. It’s bad enough I have to go through another election without Tim Russert and his little write-on, wipe-off board.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. I second the motion being made by lifetimestudent. Juanita Jean, you take keer of yerself, okay? I’ll hand-deliver your broccoli however it’s spelled if it will help. Well it might be a little old by the time I get there.
    What IS the deal with Bachmann? Is she a second child or something?

  4. Umm … IOKIYAR. Duh.

  5. Perhaps Michele could reduce the size of the national debt by not accepting any more federal/state money. The chutzpah of someone who has fed at the public trough all of their life to disrespect our country like that. Grrrr…
    I’m sure she would be in a Hover Round with one of those signs that says: “Government hands off my Medicare, farm subsidies, government pension” in her elder years. Meh

  6. rubymay says:

    I can’t even begin to describe how offensive that is. I know she’s dumb as dust, but replacing the American flag?!? Apparently she’s decided she’s a teabagger first and maybe (if at all) an American down the road a piece. Disgusting!

    I know, I know, some of you are saying, “Well, what’d ya’ expect,” but this is a new low even for an idiot like her.

  7. shortstuff says:

    We all know that Bachmann is one or two tacos shy of a combination platter.

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    Michele is a slutty banner tramp. She left her country’s flag for a brief affair with the Swiss flag, came crawling back, and now is back out there acting the ho. Her conduct is not suprising given her flagrant disregard for the rights of others and her unflagging love affair with the American taliban.

  9. I think it is appropriate. Michele ain’t serving America or have Americans as a whole in her beady little mind as she makes decisions – until she gets the social networking flak, like on the Swiss citizenship. But Michele’s personal agenda does align and in general she supports the promotion of the Tea Party and only cares about serving their all-so-illogical supposedly-economic agenda.

  10. daChipster says:

    LOL@Uncle Dave “…slutty banner tramp.” LOL some more.

  11. First she’s Heidi, now she’s one of Christopher Gadsden’s wives? Life after the campaign trail must be awful boring for Mickey B…what’s next, President-For-Life of this country:
