Thanks Again, Karl Rove!

June 11, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If there is ever any time I wonder if I’m a Democrat, all I have to do is remember Karl Rove.

His group, American Crossroads, issued a  Tweet about  Secretary of Commerce John Bryson’s car wreck.  They wanted to know, “How does @CommerceSec have 3 car crashes in 5 minutes and alcohol NOT be involved?”

Uh, seizure?

They quickly apologized —

Earlier Bryson tweet with hashtag ?#skills? attempted levity (before facts known) and failed miserably. We took it down and regret the tweet.


Honey, these guys must be a riot at a funeral.  Can you even imagine how funny this would have been had someone gotten killed?  Wow – they could go on the stand-up comedy tour.

Karl Rove is a jerk.  He is training a whole generation of jerks. There was no attempt at levity.  That sumbitch will lie about lying.

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0 Comments to “Thanks Again, Karl Rove!”

  1. Typical rethug MO. Whenever they cross the line and are called out for offensive, obnoxious, racist, untrue, etc behaviors, their excuse is “it was a joke”.

  2. I think there was some projection in the first Twit. More so if it had mentioned boys.

  3. Conservatives: Tasteless when they are joking, and clueless when they are serious. Yet always mean, nasty and selfish.

  4. locura79 says:

    Their snide comment and quick apology actually seem reaonable in this day and age. I always assume the worst about the opponent. I just don’t have a popular twitter feed on which to spread general assumptions before all the facts are known. At least they admitted a mistake. 🙂

  5. TexasEllen says:

    The semi-apology regrets the failure of the “joke”, not the snark of the jerk attempting humor. I hope the Secretary’s seizure cause can be addressed and that he enjoys good health in the future.
