All Day Friday

June 08, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am going to Charlotte, North Carolina, in September to nominate President Barack Obama for four more years.

I was also elected chair of the Disability Caucus, which makes me a voting member of the State Democratic Executive Committee, where I will spend the next two years canceling out Chairman Lloyd Criss’ vote. (That’s a local joke that Only people who know Lloyd and me will get, which is pretty much everybody at the convention.)

I’ll be back on the job on Sunday.

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0 Comments to “All Day Friday”

  1. daChipster says:

    Woohooo! Congrats Susan. You and Brian and fenway fran will be the most powerful salon delegation at the convention.

    I’m proud to know you!

  2. SomedayGirl says:

    WTG, SUSAN!!! Give ’em hell, honey!!

  3. Marge Wood says:

    WOWEEEE! I’m so excited I’m gittin’ all goose-bumpy. You need any lucky T shirts or pins or anything?

  4. Yee-haw! Got someone we love all representin’ and signifyin’ for us.

  5. Yippee, give ’em hell. And remind them what it means to be a Democrat.

  6. fenway fran says:

    We gotta work on our costumes so we honor the WMDBS properly. Serious sparkly is in order. And congrats on your other election. SO proud to call you my friend. You inspire the heck out of me!

  7. Juanita Jean/ Susan did not have to give a speech to be elected as a DNC delegate. She was elected by acclamation.

    Susan’s speech to the disability caucus was great. They gave us a small room and with the people Susan had encouraged to attend, it was standing room only.

    Congratulations to Susan.

  8. Glad to see we’ll have good representation at the convention and good leadership on the state committee. We need it. Congrats.

  9. Upanatm says:

    Can’t wait to meet you in Charlotte! I’ll be with the Washington State Delegation!


  10. locura79 says:

    This is awesome! You’re totally an inspiration to me. Growing up, my mom was a major liberal. Sometime on the past 5 years she went crazy rightwing. I hate to admit it, but I think it was her racist upbringing in Pearland that turned her. Anyway, right now she’s at the Republican convention in Dallas and I feel like I need to be reminded of what a strong liberal woman stands for. The WMDBS reminds me that I’m not alone even when my mom abandons our ideals. 🙂

  11. I’m so proud of you that my buttons are about to burst! North Carolina will not know what hit it! Batten down the hatches, hurricane Juanita is going to make landfall!

  12. sugarpie says:

    Congratulations! And thanks for doing all the hard work.

  13. Glad to hear it, Susan!

  14. Congratulations! Well deserved.

    Good Job!

  15. Juanita Jean says:

    Guys, I’m feeling’ the damn love. One more speech and one more day with the best folks in Texas — Democrats!

  16. Bo Leeyeau says:


  17. I am thrilled for you. I have loved your writing for years. Remember when you came to the Richmond Rotary and had the mostly gray haired white rich men riled up. I fell for you then and you have only gotten better. I rank you up there with Molly & Jon Stewart. Congrats.

  18. Congratulations from CO, too … one more positive vote for Barack Obama is one more vote for sanity in this country! Thank you, JJ/Susan!! Have a great time and continue to feel the Love!

  19. Great news. and I know you will make us all very proud!

  20. I love to get up and read this blog. Because of you, Susan and all the people who participate here.

    I am so glad that you have the opportunity effect real change in Texas and to Keep POTUS Obama in Washington DC for another 4 years.


  21. Couldn’t happen to a nicer or more deserving person.

  22. Congratulations. We are in good hands.

  23. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Go get ’em, JJ… Represent Texas wearing your sparkley flip flops with pride!

  24. Punkinbugg says:

    Way to go, Juanita!

  25. aggieland liz says:

    Best news I’ve heard all week! Have at em Honey!

  26. Congrats to Susan. Wish I could be with you but this time I’ll be enjoying knee replacement surgery! You go gal!

  27. This cannot be the same JuanitaJean I know! The one some of the elitist progressive bloggers don’t speak to? The one some of them didn’t want in their “pack”? The loyalist yellow dog who is always out there out front while some of them spend all their time criticizing the party, our nominees, even the state and H-Town? Wait a minute, not the JuanitaJean who vounteers for everything at the drop of a hat until she drops? And this is the one who gets criticized by folks who want to be precinct chairs, can’t find the time to sign an oath of affirmation they are Democrats or can’t be bothered by a convention. Oh hell no, not that Juanita Jean!

    Well get the hell out of the way boys and girls because the Real Deal is about to ride into town (and hopefully over some of the negative nabobs asses along the way) and do all us Democrats proud – although I suppose we have to tolerate more glitz.

    JuanitaJean, you know how proud I am of and for you. NOw the first thing you can do is chew some ass of one of those self important SDEWC members who came up to me as I was giving credentials from my wheelchair and told me I had to move to the other side of the booth, they had enough people working. Wooow Cowboy, you want to move me while I am in a wheelchair and you have a burr up your butt. First case for JuanitaJean my dear….go get em…and always remember to mow down those damn Republicans!

    Now you know why I didn’t make it to the caucus. Moving my whellchair was too much of a bother for some of the inflated egos who think they are in control….that too shall change.

  28. Austinhatlady says:

    As a long time employee of the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (although soon to be a retiree), I’m proud of Susan for taking up the issues of Texans with disabilities. You go, girl!

  29. TexasEllen says:

    Please wear Shiny, so we can watch you on the teevee! I’m so glad you are going!

  30. Thanks, Susan. You really did a good job at making me feel like a slacker for breezing through the first round. I was gonna cross my fingers because you asked me to but I knew there was no way you weren’t going.

    I already got my plane ticket and car reservation. (I heard the Oregon group is in a motel 20 miles away) and suggest you and Fenway Fran do the same, because with 30000+ people going the crunch will be on.

    Congratulations! Let the Margaritas begin!

  31. Will be watching on the TV, wish i could be there, you will be great!

  32. We should bedazzle your cars so you can arrive in style!

  33. Juanita Jean gave a great speech to nominate Judge Hinojosa to be Democratic Party Chair. Susan was very very funny and her speech worked. The Texas Democratic Party has its first Hispanic Chairman.

  34. There is a God.

  35. I’m proud of you and happy for you and the Democrats. Please try to hold them together behind Pres. O. I really get a sick feeling when I hear lots of Dems talk like he’s not doing enuf.

  36. Absolutely outstanding – my congratulations, Susan.

  37. Uncle Dave says:

    Fantastic, but let us know what you will be wearing and make it colorful so we can find you on the teevee.

    And, a litle history for the young folks: before 1972 the unit rule existed, and the entire Texas delegation had to vote the way someone like John Connally told them to. But in 72 the “McGovern rules” came into effect and brought democracy to the Texas Democratic Party. That ended the main street control of the party. it also led, ultimately, to republicans coming out of the closet, leaving the Democratic party, and openly serving the Prince of Darkne$$.
    Those were wild times, politically speaking, and it was both the McGovern liberals and the George Wallace Democrats who seized the chance to thumb their noses at the folks who had run things their way, before. By 1980 the Wallace supporters had become Regan Republicans.

    Now we of a progressive bent can be represented by Susan DuQuesnay Bankston and feel proud!
