Texas Democratic Convention

June 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Democratic Convention starts this week in beautiful, downtown Houston, Texas.  We have arranged for some gorgeous weather for our delegates – 99 degrees with 100% humidity.

I’ll be there tomorrow to help stuff the goodie bags and things get really rolling on Friday.  Yes, I am running for national delegate – if I win, it will be my first national convention.  And now that Brian and Fenway Fran have already been elected, the pressure is on. I’m in Senate District 18.

I’ll be blogging and Tweeting from the convention.  If you plan to attend, I will be giving a nominating speech from the main podium on Saturday.  Come meet me!

I need a couple of good Romney / dog on the roof of the car jokes if you have any ideas.  I’ve already got plenty of Rick Perry jokes, thank you very much.

I’ll post the speech here after I give it but no previews – I do not want to speak to an empty room.

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0 Comments to “Texas Democratic Convention”

  1. Have someone video tape your speech! And, good luck and I hope you win … show ’em what a “true” Democrat is all about! Go get’em, kiddo!!

  2. Mitt Romney’s got so much baggage in this campaign, he’s going to have to put his dog on the roof of his car again.

  3. Romney now denies he ever having a dog.

    He’s so rich (or flip-flops so much) he orders Etch-a-Sketches by the case.

  4. My youngest child and I will be there to vote for Juanita Jean.

  5. I’m so excited for you to win!

  6. Mitt’s new “Seamus” is Donald Trump. He’s got the same long hair and his face is the same color: orange. Even better, Mitt doesn’t have to hose down the roof of the car when The Donald has a case of verbal diarrhea.

  7. Okay, it is not a Seamus joke but it’s my favorite Romney joke:
    Knock, Knock
    Who’se there?
    I don’t know. The butler answers the door.

    I’ll be at the convention and look forward to hearing you speak.

  8. Jeff Weems says:

    Don’t forget – DU meetup at The Grove at 7 p.m. Thursday.

  9. fenway fran says:

    Bryan’s going too??? Oh Boy!!!! The stars are in alignment…

  10. BarbinDC says:

    Can’t vote for you, but will be sending all kinds of good vibes in your direction.

  11. daChipster says:

    My standard dog on car joke is that Mitt claims the whole thing was Seamus’ idea in the first place. He asked the dog where she wanted to ride and the dog said “Roof!” But be honest, now. Given a choice between an airless lightless coffin-like cage or listening to Mitt for 13 hours, which would YOU choose. The Geneva Convention is clear on both topics: 13 hours of Mitt is as bad as Sesame Street Music at Gitmo.

    The story has a happy ending. According to an old interview with Mitt’s son, Tagg, Seamus defected in Canada… the dog ran away! Which is apparently where Mitt got the whole idea for self-deporting.

  12. My fingers are crossed for you! I know it’s gonna work out and guarantee it’ll be FUN!

  13. Paul Haupt says:

    You Go Girl!

  14. Juanita Jean says:

    Fenway, not that Bryan. Customer Brian.

  15. Multiple quiz time.

    1. Which individual’s business policies have created the least number of jobs?
    a) Bill Gates
    b) Warren Buffet
    c) Mitt Romney

    2. Who believes that lowering taxes will actually create more jobs?
    a) Bill Gates
    b) Warren Buffet
    c) Mitt Romney

  16. fenway fran says:

    I know, JJ, I misspelled it and tried to cancel it out but it isn’t possible….as soon as I hit send, I knew I blew it! Apologies. I will make it up to both you and whatshisname in Charlotte.

    BTW, my friend of 40plus years used to work for Delta in Boston. Apparently this thing with torturing dogs isn’t a one off. She said when he was off rescuing the Olympics, he’d fly a lot between Boston and SLC. He had a Wiemeraner at the time. One trip, he brought the dog down to baggage in the crate very early in the AM. Dogs can only fly early when the weather is hot. The flight was delayed for hours. The baggage folk are not allowed to take the dogs out or anything. NO ONE CAME to check on the dog or take him for a walk. Not Mitt, not anyone from the family, not one of his minions. Needless to say, she’s not a fan of Mitt.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    WAHOO! Yeah Juanita Jean aka Susan. I’ll be floating firecrackers for you. The country will never be the same after you go to the Nat’l Convention! We’re countin’ on it.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah Trish! Great talking points.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    and you kin send the rain to Austin and points west if you prefer….

  20. MCPO RET says:

    Please put some BALLS in your goody bags!

  21. Marge Wood says:

    hahaha. Hey, Juanita Jean, nobuddy told me I could do fun stuff like stuffing goody bags. Next time maybe I’ll go.
