Those Voices In Your Head? It’s the Republican Party, Honey.

June 05, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

From Houston.

A Houston mother is shocked at what she claims is a profanity-spewing doll.

Apparently, there’s three dolls that interact with each other.  It’s what you get your kids if they have no friends, no imagination, and mentally unbalanced mother.  The dolls are supposed to coo, babble, and talk with each other.

But [Zoe] Pickens says one of them, the one dressed in pink, doesn’t play nice.

“She is a potty mouth,” said Pickens. “She actually says the ‘B’ word. I just never paid attention to what the dolls say. They say mama and dada, and this particular day she said you crazy b*tch.”

She must have gotten the Republican Party edition.

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0 Comments to “Those Voices In Your Head? It’s the Republican Party, Honey.”

  1. TexasEllen says:

    I think Ms Pickens was probably listening to Limbaugh when she thought the doll was talking.

  2. daChipster says:

    Perhaps she’s the Child Bride of Chucky?

  3. Possessed dolls is a common theme amid the occult… maybe the pink one came with an extra demon attached.

  4. Sam in Kyle (June 14) says:

    Sometimes comments on are worth reading.

    “If mama wasn’t hitting the Easy Bake Meth Lab so often, she wouldn’t be hearing voices.”

  5. Marge Wood says:


  6. LucyTooners says:

    Oh boy I needed this wake up that my day isn’t all that crazy after all. OMG for real?

  7. 1toughlady says:


  8. shortpeople says:

    what is she going to do when her kid plays a rhyming game with the word duck and comes up with a silly sounding nonsense combination of sounds beginning with the letter f? Happened to me, one of my little friends said it was a bad word, so I promptly repeated it in front of my mom and a couple of her friends and asked “Is that really a bad word?” Really wish I had a picture of their faces.

  9. Rose Pickens says:

    Toys “r” Us is refusing to remove the potty mouth dolls. Go to and search for potty mouth doll and sign petition. Thanks
