Thank You, Ron Paul. Bless You, Sir.

June 04, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I suspect it probably wouldn’t be considered a successful Louisianan State Republican convention if there wasn’t a fight and couple nakkid ladies and a gator wrestlin’ or two.

So, I guess the convention in Louisiana this year was only semi-successful because as far as we’re heard, the nakkid ladies didn’t show up.

Several supporters of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) sustained injuries while being arrested during the Louisiana Republican Party’s state convention over the weekend, in a conflict that engulfed the meeting after Paul’s supporters overwhelmed other delegates and voted in new leadership, only to be ignored.

So, here’s the deal.  Rick Santorum won the Louisiana primary, Mitt Romney was next and Ron Paul creeped in (pun intended) at fourth.

However, Paul’s supporters don’t know the meaning of the words, “You lost,” and the meaning of a whole lot of other words, too.  But, by gawd, they showed up double down strong at the Republican State Convention, declaring themselves the victors and picking up a giant majority of the votes for Paul.  Louisiana has a double-tier system of picking delegates, just like Texas does.

So, a hoedown began and some old dude got his hip replacement busted and Lord have mercy, the fightin’ and spittin’ are all over You Tube.

Now, to me, it looked like your average Louisiana wedding, except there was less camo.  The scary part is that you know all those old fat white men were one good boo! away from a heart attack.  Add to that the fact that they are surely all armed. I mean, it could have been so much more fun.

Just think, if Mitt Romney himself had been there, he would have switched sides a couple of times and ended up fighting himself.

Thanks to Carol for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Thank You, Ron Paul. Bless You, Sir.”

  1. Bud Malone says:

    I’ve been around the block more than a few time and haven’t witnessed anything like this. Well yes, during my military years, but that doesn’t count. Hide this from the children.

  2. I am praying that Tampa will be televised, guns allowed outside, High Hurricane season and now the Paulbots. Who needs Democrats to upset this convention? They are just doing fine by themselves.
    Now what Channel will that be on? Hopefully not Faux, they would only edit out the good parts.

  3. daChipster says:

    It is always good for a chuckle when we see video of foreign legislatures devolving into riots and fistfights.

    I’m not laughing now.

    Well, I am a little, but it’s nervous laughter, as in: “Look at all these crazy white folk. It’s a good thing they’re not in charge of anything important.” heh heh

    Except, they kinda are, and they’re trying to be in charge of even more. Like…America.

    I look at this… and I think of a couple of good old boys beating a Massachusetts Senator down with a cane on the Senate floor… and I look at this… and I think of another good old boy shouting “You Lie!” at the President, as he addressed Congress… and I look at this…

    …and I worry. I surely do.

    In the asylum named “Louisiana” it appears the inmates have already won.

  4. With all of the medical costs involved at a Republican convention, broken fingers, dislocated hip implant, etc. you would think they would understand the importance of certain provisions in the new health care law. What if their health insurance provider wanted to drop their coverage or increase premiums due to the danger in their profession (attending Republican conventions)? Or if their child, recently graduated from college, attended with them, and had a folding chair busted on their head, but sorry, he’s uninsured cause he’s out of school as of two weeks ago.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    And the Texas GOP is about to convene in Cowtown. There are several bars near the Fort Worth Convention Center, and you know some of those folks will exercise their constitutional right to pack heat. Guns, alcohol, and Republicans together on a hot, humid weekend could prove interesting.

  6. mollusk says:

    ah, but Chipster, Louisiana IS foreign.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Please. Spelling. The correct spelling is “nekkid”, not “nakkid”. Dontcha know nuthin’? and that nice man’s wife is sure gonna be mad when he gets home with his purty blue shirt all messed up after she worked so hard arnin’ it. I know. I was raised arnin’ that kinda shirts and if I din’t do ’em right I had to sprinkle ’em down and start all over. I hope I don’t never go to no conventions like thet.

  8. Apparently the phone was not confiscated or this never would have gotten on YouTube.

    What mess the GOP (or whatever it is now) is. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group! Damned scary though.

    Some weird things happening in Alaska too with the right wing militia, Palin & friends, attempted murder trial, etc. (So what else is new?).

  9. ks sunflower says:

    Something very strange is going on with the Ron Paul people.

    If you haven’t already, be sure to visit and Both AKM and Gryphen have some interesting posts on how the Ron Paul people are connected to Joe Miller and Sarah Palin and they took over the Alaskan GOP in much the same way (without this much violence, though).

    Are Libertarians adopting Brown Shirt tactics? Sturmabteilung (SA) were known to cause havoc, to use violence, anger and confusion to disrupt meetings where people disagree with Hitler.

    I don’t know if Ron Paul is endorsing or allowing these tactics in his name. Perhaps it is just a bad coincidence – though twice is pushing the coincidence factor. Regardless, he should have immediately condemned this kind of behavior. Otherwise, it is a serious shadow on his character and the ethics of the movement he has been trying to energize. I am ashamed of the Ron Paul followers who would stoop to duplicity and violence.

    However, perhaps these people are not true Paul people. Who knows? But I do know I expect Ron Paul to stand up against these tactics.

  10. I think the Ron Paul and Tea Party folk have joined forces and are attempting to take over the Republican party. They all show up at the conventions where delegates are elected to go to the state convention, then take over the state convention. They’ve done this in several states already, including Alaska and Nevada. It’s believed Paul will end up with most of delegates from Iowa.

    Watching the Republican Convention in Tampa should be similar to and more exciting than a mongrel dog fight. If the Republicans were smart they would put in on pay tee vee.

  11. Grand Kludd says:

    But in your heart you know they’re right–and in your guts you know they’re nuts. Did you know that at the 1912 Republican National Convention the infighting between the Taft and T.R. Roosevelt forces was so intense that the crepe bunting strung along the railing of the speakers’ platform was there to hide the BARBED WIRE? I kid you not!

  12. I wonder if there will be any fireworks at the GOP state convention in Cowtown?

  13. This morning I watched the end of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in London. Thousands upon thousands of people walked up the Mall from Trafalgar Square and Admiralty Arch to Buckingham Palace. There was a line of mounted guards in front of a triple line of London Bobbies following by the thousands slowly walking up the Mall. They were waving flags, cheering, carrying children on shoulders, but observing the very British “rules” of queuing. It was an awesome sight. I couldn’t help thinking that if that were in America there would be rows of barbed wire, lines of armed police (Bobbies don’t carry guns), pushing and shoving to get to the front.
    I’ve been there many times and really love the place and people, and I know the Brits can be kind of eccentric and aren’t perfect. Many in England disapprove of the monarchy. But as I watched I wished we in America could have that sort of solidarity – and obvious love for country and culture. It made me sad for us.
    BTW, on a lighter note, one commentator said, during the singing of “God Save The Queen” that the Queen is the only one there who has never sung the song! Something tells me that if the Mitt was the equivilent of Queen he would sing it all the time!

  14. aggieland liz says:

    Chip, back in the 18-somethings they had fistfights in the aisles in the Statehouse in Tennessee – that’s partly why David Crockett (an great -something-uncle of mine) and Sam Houston left for Texas, and they found the Indians and water moccasins far more cultured and civilised; Santa Ana, not so much. Another reason Crockett abandoned Tenn is they were muttering about nominating him for President. The quote ascribed to him is, “You Gentlemen may go to Hell- I’m going to Texas” He certainly didn’t want to go to Washington! Poor old Andy Jackson went instead, and they gossipped his little wife to death. This war on women thing goes back a very long way…

  15. aggieland liz says:

    Of course, Chip, if you are worried we are going back to the 18-somethings, I’m with you all the way!

  16. RE: “one commentator said, during the singing of “God Save The Queen” that the Queen is the only one there who has never sung the song!” True. She sang, “God Save the King” for her grandpa George V, her uncle Edward VIII, and her daddy, George VI. Her father was old enough to sing “God Save the Queen” to his great-grandmother Victoria Regina, who didn’t die until he was 5 years old.
