Well, Rats! Foiled Again!

June 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It looks like our plot has been uncovered and I want to know which one of you guys ratted us out.

The daily Advertiser in Lafayette, Louisidamnana, ran a full page ad revealing that if Barack Obama is elected again the first thing he’ll do is kill all the Christians.

Well, so much for that secret plan.

You will note that they seem to quote Psalm 11:3 to say, “We must learn from it or we are doomed to repeat it. We must be triumphant over terror.”   Uh, Honey, pardon me for jumping in here but that’s not what it says.

Psalm 11:3 “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?”  Actually, David was talking about the foundations of the church.  Later in the same chapter he says that The Lord is the judge.

And, if you happen to be a student of history, you know that the Spanish conquerors in Mexico enslaved the Mexicans and treated them like dirt good Christians. It was evil to execute Francisco Vera, no question about it.  But it is also evil to pervert his memory.

Okay, so maybe I’m just a tad outraged that these guys want to misquote The Psalmist, a place where I find comfort, not paranoia or fear.  The Psalms are a tribute to faith, not fear.

One other question.  Why do white Christians in America think they are the victims?  I don’t get that.  They want to demand their perverted form of Christianity on me and THEY are the victim?

I’m laying two to one odds that there’s gonna be some cross burning on June 16th in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Thanks to Ralph and Iris for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Well, Rats! Foiled Again!”

  1. Texastruthserum says:

    Good lord…I hope these aren’t any of Mark’s , my father in law, kin folk. But then again, they aren’t church going, mass attending’ Catholics.

  2. Richard says:

    Oh Juanita Jean. Please. While I generally agree with everything you say, your exegetical expertise on the Psalms is lacking. David is not referencing the foundations of the church (which he could not have even known), and he was not referencing the foundations of the Jewish temple (which was built by his son Solomon). He is talking about the foundations of the earth. I hate it when Christians think that the Psalms are all about them, when they were they worship hymns of the Israelite faith. And yes, even a Christian, like myself, finds comfort, inspiration, and hope in them. But let’s not “Americanize” them and think they belong only to us.

  3. san fraser says:

    You would think that the fact that some haven’t even read the book they wave around would bother them. Especially the “Judge not . . .” part. But the “My mind is made up, don ‘t confuse me with facts” group marches on.

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I loved the way they separate the Catholics from the Christians. Getting shot is bad enough, but they hate to be mistaken for Catholics.

  5. Gramiam says:

    As a descendent of many fine folks from that neck of the woods, I am ashamed to my very soul at what has happened there. Sweet Jesus is weeping for sure!I can hardly wait for the Latinos and other minority folks to wake up about twenty years from now and realize they are in charge at last! God willing, they will be more compassionate than these turkeys and just gently move them into assisted living communities until they all die out.

  6. What I’m having a hard time with….. is that somebody actually published this crap.

    How many more ways, by how many more methods, can people try to divide this country?????

    It just never seems to stop.

  7. fester60613 says:

    Could someone please provide me more information on Fr. Francisco Vera? I assume he was executed for some role he may have played in the Cristeros “rebellion” but it would be nice to have more information.

  8. Juanita Jean says:

    Richard, Zinger! You got me. I used the word “church” when I shouldn’t have. I should have said that religious people are also included by David in this chapter. I was taught that it was written by David when he was being persecuted by Saul and this was David’s answer to those who suggested that he run for his life. I often use the word church when – you are very right about this – I should use the word religion and the people thereof. Thanks for the correction. It’s a good read, no?

  9. OldMayfly says:

    I’m with Ralph Wiggam. Catholics AND Christians? Isn’t that excessive?

    And Juanita, what’s that address/contact info at the bottom of the ad? Would love to get in touch with them for details.

  10. Mz Patti says:

    I find it interesting that the “fundamentalist Christians” are all bent out of shape on a regular basis with the “fundamentalist Muslims”…. inciting anger, vengeance, and Koran burnings, and if you’ve spent any time with Israelis, and in Israel, the Zionists are a pretty interesting fundamentalist group, too. In my world, fundamentalist anything sucks. Everyone needs to take a powder.

  11. Mz Patti says:

    Oh, BTW…. Mexico bans priests and religious leaders from holding public office. I know… surprising, given the 95% Catholic slant of the country, but years ago, they decided that all those good priests sent to Christianize their heathens were liars, cheats, and nasty Machevellian masters, and that letting them run for political office wasn’t prudent.

  12. Grand Kludd says:

    Mz Patti–so did the Republic of Texas ban clergy from public office! What gets me is that they don’t seem to realize that Obama is running for RE-election, not election. Maybe he’s just lazy, but if he was going to kill Christians he’d have done something about it already.

    There’s a marvelous story that when the “heathen” Thomas Jefferson was running in 1800 as a Republican, a Federalist lady asked a Republican acquaintance to hide her bible if Jefferson was elected to save it from the flames: “It will be perfectly safe with you. They’ll never think of looking in the house of a Democrat for a Bible.”

  13. Bud Malone says:

    Mz Patti. Both comments deserve A. Juanita’s post is the focal point of the discussion. Wasn’t David, among his many accomplishments, a world class cock hound? Just an inquiry – I’m a nonbeliever.

  14. ks sunflower says:

    I have to admit I was not surprised to see how they separated the Catholics from the Christians.

    Seems there is this little town in Southeastern Kansas where they hold an annual parade based on the Bible. People even travel in big tour buses to get there for the parade called The Biblesta Parade.

    You’d think such a town was filled with pious, church-going, humble people. Wrong. The town has plenty of churches for a town under a population of 2,000, but it also has more beer joints than churches.

    In fact, each year just before the parade, people (usually high school students) make work teams that scour the town to pick up all the liquor bottles and beer cans before the huge kettles are trucked to the town square to cook the beans that the primary food served to tourists.

    Men have been known to fight in the beer joints over the honor of being Jesus and dragging a railroad tie cross in the parade. Tourists have been heard in years past to comment how realistic Jesus trials and tribulations were because the faux Jesus had black eyes and bruises from the selection fights. Doesn’t happen every year – but there had been some mighty tussles in the past.

    All that was just laying the foundation, ahem, for telling you that the town had three cemeteries that were carefully segregated: white Christian, white Catholic, and black Christian. The former had far more graves than the latter two. However, the little black cemetery (there were few blacks in the area but some) was the cleanest and best tended. If push came to shove, the Catholic and Black cemeteries would allow the odd person out to buried within their confines, but not so the White Christian (Protestant) one.

    So it was no surprise, unfortunately to hear about these yahoos in Louisiana. Ignorant bigots are everywhere, but particularly in rural or semi-rural areas. In-breeding does factor into that, I’m sure, hehe.

  15. @Miemaw: I have the same problem. From the Addicting Info website where I saw the ad:

    “The Daily Advertiser claims to have a strict policy about which ads it chooses to run, saying that false, overly offensive, and other inappropriate content is kept out of the paper. But apparently the ad pictured below is completely fine.”

    Money seems to be the motivating factor. They are rerunning the ad for another day. So very sad.

  16. LOL, they want Mexican martyrs to intercede for them with God but they want to make it illegal for Mexicans to work in the U.S. They’re trying to create a fake war on Christians while they actually make war against anybody who isn’t like them.

  17. The first thing he’ll do is kill all the Christians? I thought the first thing he’d do would be to take everyone’s guns, then turn the country over to Muslim socialists. Maybe he can queue up killing all the Christians as #3 (though I believe that would require suicide since Obama is a Christian).

  18. Surfing through the links in the ad and digging a little deeper yielded some predictable results. http://www.acadianapatriots.com, mentioned as sponsoring the ad, is trying to disavow it, I think, but whoever wrote the disavowal is rather scrambled. Save Our American Republic takes it a bit deeper, into Beckistan and Bircherville. Apparently they’re all affiliated with the 9/12 Project. About two bounces from the acadianapatriots is this gem from the 9/12 Project, which made my head hurt enough to quit looking, lest I find out more.


    They’re peddling a 6 dvd set of lectures on Godonomics, the biblical basis of the free market system. I suspect that it will begin with that well-known biblical injunction, “God helps them what helps theirselves.”

  19. Richard says:

    News Flash: Mexico also bans Catholic priests from wearing their clerical collars in public. The separation of church and state is sacrosanct in Mexico.

    If the President of Mexico ever uttered the words “God Bless Mexico.” They would force him (or her since they now have a female presidental candidate) to quit and run him/her out of the country.

    Would that we could ban Tea Partiers.

  20. Sam in Kyle (June 14) says:

    Seems like shooting fundamentalists would be a waste of time and good lead. I can think of some pedophile priests and other church officials who covered up their misdeeds who fall under the time honored defense of “He needed killing”.

  21. What a strange coincidence…as I’m typing this I returned from a trip to Lafayette not 2 hours ago (it’s my wife’s hometown). I didn’t detect any craziness amongst the populace, at least by typical Louisiana standards.

  22. Just found out there’s a movie commemorating the time in Mexico when this photo was taken called, “For the Greater Glory.” http://www.iveamerica.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=417:for-greater-glory&catid=9:latest-news&Itemid=15 Looks like it was due to open yesterday.

  23. Hey, I know that picture. It’s an iconic propaganda photo from the Cristero War. I’m not sure you want to just label it evil — the Cristeros had a lot more in common with Al-Qaida (religious conservatives bent on using violence and terrorism to create a theocracy) … and some of what I hope are fringe Republicans… than we’d like to think.

    Sure there were excesses, and a lot of innocent people got killed, and maybe it would have been evil to execute Father Francisco Vera by firing squad in 1927… had Father Francisco Vera existed, which he didn’t… which would have made it a little difficult to execute him by firing squad or any other means in 1927. Heck, I wrote a book about this period (“Gorostieta and the Cristiada: Mexico’s Catholic Insurgency of 1926-1929”) which is pretty easy to find where to order on-line. It might not be evil, but it would be kinda bad manners to sneak in an advertisement, even if JuanitaJean was the one who led me into temptation.

  24. Oh, and Richard (the other Richard, not this Richard): Article 124 of the Mexican Constitution, that regulates religious affairs, was amended in 1992 to allow clerics to vote, and to wear religious garb in public among other things. About the only restrictions on the clergy is that they cannot hold public office while an active cleric (we had a “former” Evangelical minister running for Governor of Quintana Roo — on the leftist ticket — in 2010), and can only inherit money or goods from a blood relation (an odd stricture, but clerics were, and still are, suspected of using undue influence on people to change their wills).

    HOWEVER, unlike the U.S. churches cannot be used for any political purpose (a priest did a couple days in the pokey a couple years back for letting a party hold a candidates meeting in the church hall) nor can a denomination or cleric actively solicit votes for any candidate or party (they do, but have to be a little more creative than in the U.S.).

    The oddity here is that Baptists and other Evangelicals (about 10 percent of the voter population) generally vote left (including the former Communist Party) because they see our high wall of separation between Church and State as protecting their rights to their beliefs.

  25. Juanita Jean says:

    Yes, Richard, it would be inappropriate for you to advertize Gorostieta and the Cristiada: Mexico’s Catholic Insurgency of 1926-1929 on my website. I just bought the book Gorostieta and the Cristiada: Mexico’s Catholic Insurgency of 1926-1929 so sadly, I cannot let you advertize Gorostieta and the Cristiada: Mexico’s Catholic Insurgency 1926-1929 here.

  26. Tried to e-mail the paper on their site to ask if business was so bad that they needed the money from this ad. I’d be happy to subscribe if it would help them out. They had it shut down.


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