Row Faster! I Hear Banjo Music!
Ya know, Texas is often grateful to Mississippi for being so danged proud of being in last place on quality of life issues. It keeps Texas on the subflooring instead of the basement.
But, I think we owe a tip of the hat to Georgia today. Georgia Chief Judge David Barrett, chief judge of the Enotah Judicial Circuit, has resigned. Why, you might ask?
Barrett pulled out a gun in his courtroom in the Enotah Judicial Circuit and told a women in a domestic assault case “You might as well shoot your lawyer.”
Hell, shoot my lawyer? You hand me a gun in a courtroom on a domestic assault case and I’m unloading that sucker in the general direction of the Ex Mr. Wonderful. It would go something like this: “Judge, you see that twit sitting over there at the other table? That jerk walloped me! Do we have any case law on how many times do I get to shoot him? I’ll tell you what, Your Honor, I’ll start pulling the trigger and you tell me when I’ve fulfilled the statutes.”
I am not saying that there aren’t plenty of lawyers’ butts I might enjoy using for buckshot target practice, but holy cow, a judge offering a gun in the courtroom?
Thank you, Georgia.
Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.