Impact Statement

February 09, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Humility would have the same effect on Newt Gingrich as daylight does on Dracula.  Newt is the only man I know who can strut sitting down.

And now enters Michele Bachmann.  During an interview last week with Bloomberg’s Al Hunt, things got Newtish.

“Let me ask you this,” Hunt said. “Who is the more conservative of these four candidates left?”

Bachmann: “I was. I was the perfect candidate.”

A few moments later, Hunt tried again: “Who’s the second most conservative?”

Bachmann: “America had their chance with the perfect candidate.”

Now, I understand that both Bachmann and Gingrich figure they have a shot at being Veep to counteract Romney’s lack of hair-pulling Jesus hollerin’.

But we need to be careful about this.  If you put Bachmann and Gingrich in a room together, you’d have to file an environmental impact statement on fracking ego.  Those two will suck the innards right out of you.

But they do have great hair.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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