When I Said “One Last Shot”, I Meant “Almost One Last Shot.”

February 08, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, people seem to be having trouble with the link I provided below. It’s not you, it’s me.

We are going to try one more time, or until I get it right, whichever comes first, which usually means until I finally, oh dear God finally, get it right.

Try this link.

Remember:  you have to sign up for an account – “Create an Account” – at the White House, which ain’t no skin off your nose unless you’re hiding out your email address after some horrible crime of moral turpitude.  And if you are, I do NOT want to know about it.  Okay?  Don’t tell me.  Not even in the comment section.  Seriously.  I’m not even curious about it.

Time’s a’waistin’ and we need 3,000 more folks to sign the petition.  Do it!  Hell, if you tried before, try again because it appears that the last link didn’t work.

Thank you for your repeat business even after I screw everything up.

Be social and share!

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