Limerick Day

February 06, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of our regular customers, Gramian, hangs out at another blog, too.  I swear she’s gonna get a social media disease if she doesn’t stop blog hoppin’.

Gramian found a gifted limerickist over at Mudflats, an Alaskan blog started over Sarah Palin’s exploits.  It’s a fun place.  Gramian wanted me to see that our own Rick Perry made the cut with this ditty:

The Kochs and their ALEC were merry
contemplating President Perry
Who forgot his lines
at inopportune times
Or maybe he’d sipped too much sherry.

Good ol’ boy Rick proved quite a scamp
at the entrance to N*ggerhead Camp
He held that prayer meeting
but still took a beating
‘Vangelicals need a new champ.

And there’s this one about Newt —

There was a large pig, name of Newt
As moral as J. van der Sloot
He looked such a glutton
‘Cause he couldn’t button
the bellyward part of his suit.

Callista, his helmet-haired wife
with smile as soft as a knife
while shopping at Tiffany
had an epiphany
This is the GingRich-y life.

The campaign of which they’re a part
Lacks empathy, feeling, and heart
though it never lacks
for scorn and attacks,
Thus tearing our country apart.

And that should start your Monday off right!

Thanks to Gramian for the heads-up.

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