The Daily Newt

November 20, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newt has a new website explaining how he’s not at all like Bill Clinton.  Bill Clinton lied about sex.  Newt, of course, didn’t lie.  At least under oath.  Oh yeah, the Bible recognizes that difference in First Newt 4:11.

Opponents often try to delegitimize Newt Gingrich by pointing out that he had admitted to having an extramarital affair during the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.  What these accusers are ignoring is that the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton were due to the fact that the president committed perjury in front of a sitting federal judge, which is a felony.  As the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt felt that he had a duty to uphold the rule of law by pursuing impeachment.  He stands by that decision today.

The only other difference I see is that Bill Clinton paid a stiff price for his messing around – he was impeached and he lost his law license.   Newt just got a new wife and some more religion and money.  Big punishment and acceptance of responsibility, huh?

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