78 Days Should Do It

July 02, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

When does a Supreme Court decision on the issue of Presidential Immunity for official acts cover paying off a porn star for having absolutely no sex with you at all?

Right now, it seems.

Judge Merchan has decided that since TFG was president when he signed checks, in the Oval Office no less, to compensate Michael Cohen for his services in paying “hush money” to Stormy Daniels, we have to figure out if The Felonious Grifter had immunity to do so.

Never mind all of the other stuff that TFG is immune from, now that SCOTUS has blessed his ability to lie, cheat, and steal his way through life. This one, this checking whether the former President can write Cohen these checks and then report the checks as business expenses (that bought him his Presidency, some would say), really takes “the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen”.

September 18 is the next available date that Judge Merchan has to sentence the former President of the United States for his 34 felonies.

Or will it be 33 felonies? Or 3?

Only time will tell. 78 days of it to be exact.


0 Comments to “78 Days Should Do It”

  1. From now on, everything he did happened while he was president.

    If he’s re-elected there will probably be three Supreme Court justices who go missing in late January 2025. Just to be 100% sure his bases are covered.

  2. Trump will not face the consequences. It really seems like things are rigged in his favor. Fani Willis should have known better than to carry on a relationship and hire Nathan Wade, giving Trump ammunition to impugn her reputation having an affair (that’s kind of rich). Now with the Supreme Court ruling, we will never see the evidence. It’s also a little convenient that Aileen Cannon was put in charge of the national security paper case where she has been Trump’s very special girl. And the totally corrupt supreme court punting the insurrection case until after the election. And now Merchan delaying sentencing for 78 days.

    I am beginning to think we have one big uniparty. The movers and shakers of the Dems concealed from us how much Biden has deteriorated and cleared the deck for him not to face a primary challenge. Now we face the consequences of that decision. I don’t even think they care who wins the election, because they can raise a boatload of money off of it. The Democrats for far too long have been focused on winning the presidency, much to the detriment of down ballot candidates. We need a party that is answerable to the people and not the oligarchs and corporate masters. Right now, it is the oligarch’s world and we’re just living in it

  3. No longer SCOTUS / now SCOTGOP .

  4. Inasmuch as the majority decision was made by men who don’t personally raise their own offspring, the result looks, sounds and smells rational. Seriously. If they were active parents, the result would have been much different. And no, i do not plan on ever yelliing “God save the King”. Right now my money is on Melania who never wanted to be First Lady. She can start divorce proceedings, something tRump is actually afraid of. More over, consider this if tRump does skim into the winner’s circle: four more Justices added to SCOTUS, all of them accepting tRump as their Liege Lord.

  5. Beststash says:

    Trump will never be held accountable. Our justice system is not set up to deal with the wealthy and powerful. They have the resources and influence to pretty much be able to do whatever they like.

    Or maybe that is the way it was originally designed?

  6. I am appalled, sickened, and embarrassed by this whole ugly mess. If the dump wins, I may just wither up and pass on to someplace brand new. And I miss Juanita Jean’s wise words and laughter in these horrid times……Get well, please. We all need and miss you…..hang tough everyone, as Bette Davis said It is gonna be a bumpy ride.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Jeff Tiedrich tried to come up with some small things he thought might cheer us up today-

    Frankly, it feels like the night HRC lost the election to trumpf almost every day now.

    Fran Seyer- I’m with you. Missing Juanita Jean and hoping she’s getting better all the time.

  8. maryelle says:

    Don’t look now, but before we get King Dump, we already have
    King Biden. All those powers SCOTUS granted, now belong to the sitting Democratic President! Joe’s advisors should be figuring out how he can use them to squelch not only Dump’s campaign, but punish election deniers in Congress, use the Justice Department like he has constantly being accused of doing, going after office holding disinformation spreaders etc. Surely, those great political minds can devise credible scenarios for Official Acts right now! Time to SHOW the corrupt SCOTUS what a huge mistake they have made.
